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MySql to alter product descriptions


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I have the some text to remove from all my product descriptions, the text is the same in all, though the rest of the product descriptions of course vary.


I am look for some MySql to alter fields, would there me something like:

UPDATE products_description SET products_description = products_description - 'text to be removed";


TIA ben

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I'm in a good mood so I'll give you the code...


// Language ID of the description, 1 should work on English only catalog
define('LANGUAGE_ID' , 1);

// Define the text to be search for
define('FIND_PATTERN', 'text to be replace');

// Define the text that will be replaced
// '' (blank string) means it will be removed
define('REPLACE_TEXT', 'new text');

// Function to replace the text and update the description
function updateDescription($pID, $desc){
$desc = eregi_replace(FIND_PATTERN, REPLACE_TEXT, $desc);
$update = array('products_description' => $desc);
tep_db_perform(TABLE_PRODUCTS_DESCRIPTION, $update, 'update', "products_id = '".$pID."' AND language_id = '".LANGUAGE_ID."'");

// SQL to get all the descriptions
$sql = "SELECT products_id, products_description FROM " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_DESCRIPTION . " WHERE language_id = '".LANGUAGE_ID."'";
$query = tep_db_query($sql);
// Loop the results and update the descriptions
while($result = tep_db_fetch_array($query)){
updateDescription($result['products_id'], $result['products_description']);

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