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Dumb question but how do you change the writing at the top of your web page of the internet explorer window as mine says Os Commerce- Winows Internet Explorer

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I changed mine through the admin interface (yourshop.com/admin). Log in, go into Configuration, go into My Store. The first title is Store Name. Click it (if it's not already selected), click edit, edit, and update.


I hope that helps!

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Dumb question but how do you change the writing at the top of your web page of the internet explorer window as mine says Os Commerce- Winows Internet Explorer


not so dumb - but if you only readthe owner manual that came with your cart, you'll get loads of info about it and you can ask even better questions.

another place to start is oscommerce.info

currently using OSC2.2MS2 051113 with the following contributions:


AJAX Attributemanager 2.1 - All_products 4.4 - Banner manager 1.5b - banner hack picture in manager * description in product listing hack ms2 v2.4 * drop shadow boxes v.1.1 * Easy populater 2.76d-ms2 by surfalot * FCKEditor * header tag controller v2.5.9 * jcssmenu * LoginBox 5.6 * option type feature v1.71 * OSC-Cach-v1.1 * popup_imagecleaned_stilized_2 * Remove from cart button hack * scrolling bestsellers * Article manager1.4 * Links Manager v1.14. * proffessional invoice&packingslip 6.1 * Ultimate SEO URLs

Personaly i think all these features NEED to be in the main core as they are quite basic features that are missing. but then again what do i know?

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you need to change the title tag. By default is defined in catalog\includes\languages\english.php

// page title

define('TITLE', STORE_NAME);


It is emitted in the php scripts by default

<title><?php echo TITLE; ?></title>


If you check the contributions you will find a bunch of modules that give you far more control to alter those tags for SEO. You could install one of them where you can have control of the page title.

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you need to change the title tag. By default is defined in catalog\includes\languages\english.php

// page title

define('TITLE', STORE_NAME);


It is emitted in the php scripts by default

<title><?php echo TITLE; ?></title>


If you check the contributions you will find a bunch of modules that give you far more control to alter those tags for SEO. You could install one of them where you can have control of the page title.



Thank you very much this also helped me out :)

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