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The e-commerce.

predefined templates?


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can i implement a template into oscommerce... or are there any available for this..

or is it truly a build from ground up thing... including site design.. template.. etc..

or can i maybe get or purchase a simple template and incorporate into the oscomm...


for example... if owned the rights to lets say.. to an existing design.. page... template..

and lets say that it is a portable thing..

can i take that shell of a site ... and integrate that into oscommerce..


Thank you for you reply,



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You can purchase templates that are designed for oscommerce although they usually end up altering the code to where the files are no longer 100% compatible with contributions. Any template can be made to work with oscommerce but it would have to be done manually, which can be expensive, depending upon the design, if you don't know how to do it yourself.



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