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HELP!!! Customer Orders Are Being Placed Under The Wrong Customer


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For some reason just the last few weeks, my shopping cart is acting funny. It seems that some customers are able to checkout without logging in and it records their transaction under someone elses account. I thought it was a session problem so I made sure I have the following session settings set to TRUE:


Check SSL Session ID

Prevent Spider Sessions

Recreat Session


But it's not helping. Whenever I try it on my laptop, it works fine. It will not let me check out without logging in. But sometimes it will let a customer check out without logging in.


Has anyone else seen this? I do not have any of the contributions installed that allow guest checkout. I'm not sure what to check.





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make sure you store sessions in the DB when you are on a shared server [priority issue] or at least change your session directory to something else under your own domain than /tmp.


See your configure.php file for session storage.




have spiders already crawled your site with 'disable spider session' set to 'false'?

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Yes, I'm sure that spiders probably have gone through the site with sessions enabled. Is there a way to prevent users from re-using those sessions ID's that the search engines have recorded?


My problem seems to be with new users mostly. The go to check out and instead of forcing them to create a new account, it just goes through the checkout process as normal. They change their shipping information and everything goes through, but under someone else's account. I'm sure this is a session problem, I'm just not sure how to fix it.


I've changed the configure.php file so that STORE_SESSIONS is set to 'mysql', but it is still storing the session files on the server. I did change the location of the files, so that it's specific to this website. Maybe that will help.


Thank you for your help!!!!! The link you provided was very useful.

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