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Download Links


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im trying to get the links to show for downloads but its not showing up in any of the options and i dont know why ive read alot of stuff on here and not found the answer. Ive tried the attributes with no luck and when i go into a test account it says : Download links


Tester item Link expires: Friday 28 July, 2006 2 downloads remaining


yet ive put the expire to 0 to make it unlimited and its not displaying a link...


can anyone help me on this please?

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Make sure that the file to be downloaded is already placed into the appropriate directory where OSC is looking for it to be. If the file is not there, no download link will be shown. To find out where your download directory is, check catalog/includes/configure.php


Good luck!

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thanks for the information....ive managed to sort that now but i now have the problem of it giving out the link without the transaction being complete..


ive tried to use the Download_Controllev5.3%20MS2.2 but for some reason my admin files NEVER seem to update does anyone know why this is?

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