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The e-commerce.

Strange problem - negative quantity


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When I add an item in my shopping cart, the quantity becomes negative. So it says quantity 1 before I add the product to the shopping cart, and -1 after adding the product. This messes up the calculations afterwards of course. I checked in the database and the database has the right quantity it seems, so where does this -1 come from?


Does anyone know a dirty trick to resolve this issue temporarily? It would be of great help.

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Does anyone know a dirty trick to resolve this issue temporarily? It would be of great help.


Back up your shopping_cart.php by renaming it shopping_cartBAK.php.

Go download the plain osCommerce pages to your computer at: http://www.oscommerce.com/solutions/downloads


Then try uploading the plain vanilla osCommerce shopping_cart.php file to your server. Test.

If it still doesn't work, try the checkout pages in the osCommerce package.


Good luck.

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I've tried all of that with no luck. You can view an example of the problem at www.e-kon.be/~bob

Click for example on "Anslot Cedric" or another name ; use access code "boboli", choose category "baby's kleertjes" -> you will see the right quantity, when you click buy now, the quantity becomes negative...


What is causing this?



Back up your shopping_cart.php by renaming it shopping_cartBAK.php.

Go download the plain osCommerce pages to your computer at: http://www.oscommerce.com/solutions/downloads


Then try uploading the plain vanilla osCommerce shopping_cart.php file to your server. Test.

If it still doesn't work, try the checkout pages in the osCommerce package.


Good luck.

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