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Where is the /catalog/includes folder?


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I used fantastico to install it and told it to install it in the ftgstore folder. It created that folder and put all the files in it but there is no folder called catalog or htdocs or www. Are you saying that is wouldn't be in that ftgstore folder?


The only folders that are in my ftgstore folder are:








I have a multiple domain hosting package if that matters. The only folders that are in this domain folder are:








ftgal (gallery folder)

ftgforum (phpbb folder)

ftgstore (oscommerce folder)



I have looked in all of these and cannot find a "catalog" folder.




the catalog folder is where the index.php file is located, probably in /htdocs or /www?
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Its called 'catalog' by default, but doesn't actually have to be named 'catalog', you told it to install in 'ftgstore'. It seems your 'catalog' folder is actually called ftgstore for you. My 'catalog' is actually named 'shop' for example.

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That's what I thought at first but something in the installation instructions of STS didn't jive with the files so I thought there was supposed to be another folder. It has been several days since I tried it, so I have forgotten what the issue was but I'll try again. Thanks for the reply.


Btw, in the fantastico installation, the folder name is blank and must be filled in, so that is why I never saw "catalog".




Its called 'catalog' by default, but doesn't actually have to be named 'catalog', you told it to install in 'ftgstore'. It seems your 'catalog' folder is actually called ftgstore for you. My 'catalog' is actually named 'shop' for example.
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