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Misspelled SEO


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I recently had it pointed out to me that an awful lot of people misspell the name of the products we're selling when googling. It's one of those names where they deliberately misspelled a more common word to get the name of the product. Unfortunately, one of our competitors is the third hit for that common misspelling, while my site doesn't appear at all.


What do you do when people commonly misspell one of your brands? I don't want to deliberately misspell the name, because I imagine that's going to be something that customers see and go "...You can't even spell the name of the product you're selling right? And you claim to have been their dealer for over ten years? Right. I'm buying from someone else." (Also because I'm neurotic and deliberately misspelling words hurts my soul.) I'm contemplating using the actual word the product name is a misspelling of, and trying to incorporate it into the site copy, but I'm really at a loss of ways to do that without it being really obvious. Does anyone have any suggestions?

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I would add the misspelling to your meta tags for that product. Although the word does not appear on the page it might help a bit. I wouldn't misspell it on the page because that would be just for SEO and not for the benifit of the customer which is never a good thing. You can also look at the competitors page and analyze it to see how they got to #3, did you use it in the meta tags, it is misspelled on the page, etc. It will give you an insight into what you need to do.



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That's probably my best bet. I just wish that meta tags were more used by search engines nowadays. The competitor misspelled the product name on his website, so that's not much help. Considering just how little demand there is for that keyword, meta tags should be enough to get it listed in Google under that keyword, and that's enough, I guess.

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If you have the customer already on your site and found, that they are using the mispelled name while using the search function in osC, there is a contrib, where you can read all the used words from the search in the admin section, and you can set a synonym that will be displayed, when using that mispelled word, e.g. Gogle => Google (bad example, but image the case).

Its contrib number 1266, search enhancement.

Maybe that helps also a little.




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  • 2 weeks later...

That's a brilliant contribution. Not particularly useful for my site because of the way it's organized (most people just use our search function to find their part numbers), but brilliant nonetheless. Thanks.

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I've seen some sites where on the product page, there is a little italics area where they say, "some people found this product using the following search terms ... <misspelled and other terms>"


I think this is a pretty clever solutions and not violating any SEO rules.


I do not use the responsive bootstrap version since i coded my responsive version earlier, but i have bought every 28d of code package to support burts effort and keep this forum alive (albeit more like on life support).

So if you are still here ? What are you waiting for ?!


Find the most frequent unique errors to fix:

grep "PHP" php_error_log.txt | sed "s/^.* PHP/PHP/g" |grep "line" |sort | uniq -c | sort -r > counterrors.txt

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Oh, I like that idea. I can write a little explanation somewhere of how it isn't really spelled the way you'd expect. I need to write a brief history/explanation of how we're selling parts for equipment that the manufacturer went bankrupt several years ago anyway, so that'll integrate nicely into that page. I'm a little hesitant to put it on the product pages, because there isn't really enough information on them to make it blend in to the background, but I can use it elsewhere.

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