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Multivender Shipping Module-Please Help


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I actually installed the Invidual Shipping contribution first and things were going ok....I didn't see any changes in the shipping options though. I read on the forums about the Multivender Shipping contribution which is exactly what I need, but once I installed it I get all these errors;


Upon clicking Checkout I get this:


Fatal error: Call to undefined function: tep_not_null() in

/shop/includes/classes/language.php on line 74


Here's line 74:

if ( (tep_not_null($language)) && (isset($this->catalog_languages[$language])) ) {




In my Admin Panel I get this:


Fatal error: Call to undefined function: tep_array_merge() in

/shop/admin/categories.php on line 686


Here's line 686:


$cInfo_array = tep_array_merge($categories, $category_childs, $category_products);




And clicking on the shipping module in my Admin Panel gives me this error:


Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class mltship in

/shop/includes/languages/english/modules/shipping/old check out code mltship.php on line 12


Here's Line 12:


class mltship {





Can someone PLEASE help me??

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Ok I just removed the Multivender Shipping contribution...Does ANYONE have any other suggestions that would work for me??


I have 3 shipping options, but some of the items I sell can only ship via Freight with Zones. I need something to be able to set those items to Freigh Shipping only, can anyone recommend anything?? PLEASE!



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