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Oscommerce shut down by host - tmp file getting too large


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I have been hosting my site with sitground.com. The tmp file that the log uses was closed down by host due to heavy usage over 800 meg a day.


Bill Carter Support Team Supervisor at siteground.com said "If you set the application to not place its log file in the /tmp folder there is no problem with it. Just re-configure it to set the log in your home folder and it wont be disabled. " The name of the file is /tmp/page_parse_time.log.


Does anyone know what can cause the log file to have this much traffic?


Should I reconfigure this to be in my home folder, and what would I change to do that?


I have searched the forums and just can not figure this out....



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use your admin section to change your tmp file around. it really isnt that important if you awnt to shut it off


The Admin section is unusable with the" /tmp/page_parse_time.log" turned off



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...It shouldn't be. Page_parse_time log is an optional contribution that shouldn't affect your admin section to that extent. It sounds like you may have bigger errors with your site than you thought. Before changing your log file's destination, did you try setting Store Page Parse Time to false?

Always BACK UP your files and your database before making any changes. Before asking questions, check out the Knowledge Base. Check out the contributions to see if your problem's solved there. Search the forums.


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