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The e-commerce.

Important SEO Question


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Quick but very IMPORANT question:


I have ultimate Urls Contrib installed. Here is my concern...


1) I have many outside links that point to different categories within my shopping cart

EXAMPLE: www.widgets.com/catalog/blue-widgets-p-908.html

We have about 30 different web sites which help bring traffic to our shopping cart.


2) Now I want to change the name of the category to say "Wholesale Blue Widgets"

Now the NEW Ultimate SEO Url looks like this:



(i know these are not real html urls right? they are just kinda generated for the browser to see as .html right?)



3) Does this mean that now I must go and change EACH and EVERY external link to reflect this change OR

will the old SEO URL generated by Ultimate SEO URLS still point to the new category?


Will the old link (www.widgets.com/catalog/blue-widgets-p-908.html) be dead now.

Must I change all external links to the new Ultimate SEO generated URL?






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Quick but very IMPORANT question:


I have ultimate Urls Contrib installed. Here is my concern...


1) I have many outside links that point to different categories within my shopping cart

EXAMPLE: www.widgets.com/catalog/blue-widgets-p-908.html

We have about 30 different web sites which help bring traffic to our shopping cart.


2) Now I want to change the name of the category to say "Wholesale Blue Widgets"

Now the NEW Ultimate SEO Url looks like this:



(i know these are not real html urls right? they are just kinda generated for the browser to see as .html right?)

3) Does this mean that now I must go and change EACH and EVERY external link to reflect this change OR

will the old SEO URL generated by Ultimate SEO URLS still point to the new category?


Will the old link (www.widgets.com/catalog/blue-widgets-p-908.html) be dead now.

Must I change all external links to the new Ultimate SEO generated URL?







Hello Steve!


I think that if you point your browser to www.widgets.com/catalog/red-widgets-p-908.html or www.widgets.com/catalog/wholesale-blue-widgets-p-908.html it would still display the same page. Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I think that Ultimate SEO URLS only puts the keywords in the URL, and gets the product with the ID 908? :)

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