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database configuration


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Ive installed ultimate seo(brilliant),linkshare exchange 1.3,Cdynamic meta tags,and http error handling,

and I dont think the last two are working as they should,and I dont think caches are working right.I get /catalog/

http.error_log.php file not found in my control panel error log.Well,I havent got such a path any where,my paths are all to /cart/,so I suspect the database, and this is what I find.Keyname Type Cardinality Action Field

PRIMARY PRIMARY 3 Edit Drop cache_id


cache_id INDEX None Edit Drop cache_id

cache_language_id INDEX None Edit Drop cache_language_id

cache_global INDEX None Edit Drop cache_global


PRIMARY and INDEX keys should not both be set for column `cache_id`

Can anybody advise me on the right thing to do,or on any possible contribution conflicts that exist.My sql wont allow me to make any of the obvious changes.Tricky,eh?

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