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The e-commerce.

Zone shipping problem


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I'm just setting up a cart with osCommerce for the first time, I'm going to be selling used semi tires, all of which I have put in as weighing 125 lbs. The only zone code I have entered is US and for the zone 1 shipping table I simply have 125:5 as I wish to charge 5 dollars for shipping per tire. When I go to the checkout_shipping.php page, it comes out as 45.8333333333333 lbs and is charging 15 dollars. Has anyone ever heard of this happening and does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks.


p.s. the address is www.joedisalvo.com if you would like to check it out to see what I'm talking about.

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I'm just setting up a cart with osCommerce for the first time, I'm going to be selling used semi tires, all of which I have put in as weighing 125 lbs. The only zone code I have entered is US and for the zone 1 shipping table I simply have 125:5 as I wish to charge 5 dollars for shipping per tire. When I go to the checkout_shipping.php page, it comes out as 45.8333333333333 lbs and is charging 15 dollars. Has anyone ever heard of this happening and does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks.


p.s. the address is www.joedisalvo.com if you would like to check it out to see what I'm talking about.


i'm having the same problem, i'd tried with many contributions..

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What modifications have you made to your cart. All I've done is hide the code in the left column.php file and changed the layout and look. I cant understand it. Maybe if we both have made a similar modification, we can figure out what is wrong. If you have time, try to think of everything you have changed and I'll try to remember if there is anything else I changed.

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