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Enabling subcategories


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I have been searching for this in the forum, but found no real answer.


I just want to have subcategories in my catalogue and maybe sub-subcategories.

A lot of people talk about how to display the subcategories, but not to actually create them.

The category interface only allows me to create the first level of categories.


Am I missing something?

Could someone point me to a couple of links for th subcategories?




(Sorry for my double previous post.)

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When you're on the page in the admin where you edit the categories, click on the top level category where you'd like to create a category. Click on it again, and you'll be taken to that category. If you've uploaded any products into that category, they'll display. If not, you'll see an empty category. Click on the new category button while you're within that category, and you will create a subcategory.

Always BACK UP your files and your database before making any changes. Before asking questions, check out the Knowledge Base. Check out the contributions to see if your problem's solved there. Search the forums.


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