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Hey All, There must surely be contributions that address the following needs. I have spent a while looking but it seems like you need a contribution name before you can find it.


Need to allocate separate model numbers to different attributes of product


Need to limit shipping to UK only and mail for certain specific products.

This would then also force a mixed order that includes one of these specific products to that shipping method.

Also, these items would be unavailable to non-UK orders.


Need to be able to set the order that product attributes appear in the drop-down for a product


Any help tracking these much appreciated.... cheers Simon B

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Attribute sets - groups attributes into sets you can use over and over and makes it quicker/easier when adding products. Also allows you to set the oders they appear.



There are other contributions, search for attribute or option sort


To limit shipping to only UK remove all the other countries in the locations/zones area.


You could add an additional field for the model# for attributes, or you could just put the model # in the name of the attribute. Not sure about the other shipping question though.

Wendy James


Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep.

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