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The e-commerce.

Skype useage


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Hi all,


Im playing with the idea of getting a Skype In number for use with a website as at the moment I dont really have a spare phone line I can dedicate to the shop I've in mind.


Has anyone used skype intensively, especially with the skype in function.

Things still to do before going "live" in no real order...

Change "buy now buttons" css styles

Change "lets see what we have here" into something meaningfull

Main logo of the website

Sort out currency to make site UK only (at present)

Remove "xx requests since" stuff

Update mainpage :D

Move shopping cart status into header

Add in stock status to product listing page

Define styles for product listing standardisation

Change CSS background for Headings

Increase Category size headings

Used mods so far:- basic_design_pack1mk7 | Google XML sitemap w admin | Paypal IPN v 1.2 | Feedmachine | pricematch_1_3_1 | Dynamic Sitemap 1.6 | Whos online Enhancement | Easypopulate 2.72


Each one that I solve I;ll be putting a post on the forum in a "completed shop" thread that Im writing up

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I use Skype and Skype Out regularly to call to Australia, the UK and the US (I'm in mainland Europe) and found it to be really reliable, and usually has as good or better clarity than I get from my landline phone.


I've never tried Skype In though.

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I had an argument the other week with a skype representative who said I was breaking skypes terms and conditions using skype to conduct business.


He kept trying to call me and insisted that I pick up (through chat) when I enquired as to what he wanted he said I was being evasive and unco-operative and finally explained what he wanted.


He was totally unprofessional and it has put me off using skype even though my account was still in credit.


I was utterly disgusted with his attitude and I lost my temper and used a few choice words lol


As far as breaking their t&c's I wonder if they contacted all the numerous chinese manufacturers that are forever calling me, I bet not.



Lifes a bitch, then you marry one, then you die!

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