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The e-commerce.

border around website?


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if these have been answered, witch they probably have im sorry. the search function the these forums isnt all that good.

my first question is: how can i get a border around my whole website making it smaller and have sort of a background image under the website.

some examples:


i looked at the html and i think its in the <style> but i dont know how to incorporate it into my site.throught the stylesheet?


also this is probably an easy fix but is there a way to get rid of the dumb default pictures? i have kept most of them and put my own pictures, but some i dont want on there. where do i go to get rid of the ones i dont want?

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I have asked the same question but no responses.I managed to incorporate it inside my page but still missing some pages like the shopping cart , about us, and alot others.


The way i did it was puting catalog/index.php inside my <body> table .


That way index.php and some others are fine but again i`m still missing som others and don`t think i have to do the same to all others .


We neeed an experts here....Thanks

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