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Internal Server Error on Checkout Confirmation


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Hello all,


Not having a good weekend. Trying to fine-tune things and screwing them all up somehow.


The only file I messed with today was checkout_process.php and so far as I can see, I have it all back as it was. I must have used an unmodified copy rather than bringing it in via ftp first. First the billing address wouldn't show up and a string error linked to catalog/includes/functions/general.php was indicated. Re-installed some CVV and PWA modifications and then the billing address showed up and the string error went away - but instead of being taken to the checkout_success page, it goes to Internal Server Error- The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.. The order information does get transmitted, though, to me and the customer.


I am new to all this and cannot figure out what is going wrong that the Internal Server Error is coming up instead of the Success! page. Can someone point me in the right direction or tell me what information I'm not giving you that might enable you to help?



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It just stopped doing it. I'm going to go soak my head.


Anyone know a good way to add the customer email address and phone number to the order information transmitted to store owner by email? I don't think I want to risk my attempts any more for awhile.



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