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Change site over to a Secure SSL Connection


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Can anyone offer me a link on how to change site over to a Secure SSL Connection. I tried searching the forums but when you place things in search engine it always take you to same destination which you have to browse about 50 pages to find a link. I would be up for retirement if I did this every time I had a question.

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Can anyone offer me a link on how to change site over to a Secure SSL Connection. I tried searching the forums but when you place things in search engine it always take you to same destination which you have to browse about 50 pages to find a link. I would be up for retirement if I did this every time I had a question.

Please disregard I have found it. Thanks

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I went to includes/configure.php and changed to true but when i went to admin it still states You are not protected by a secure SSL connection. So in other words I still nee a little help.

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You can't just change the site over to SSL. You have to have either a full ssl cert of your own or else the use the shared ssl provided by your hosting company. Then you need to set enable_ssl to true in the configure.php files and set up the https entries.


You will still get a 'You are not protected by' warning in admin - unless you have a full ssl installed - in which case you can set the https entry and both http entries to the https address in admin/includes/configure.php



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