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The e-commerce.

My First With VERY Limited Knowledge


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So, I'm really more a designer (print work at that) but I managed to wrestle enough with the layout. I'm very pleased with it so far. I combed the Knowledge Base as best I could. This is my first store creation of any sort.


We go completely live on Monday: http://exude.com/webstore


Feedback is very much appreciated. Is there an easy way to have my categories links changed to images like the rest of the site?


Thanks a lot. B)

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Hi Zell,

Your store has a very simple design and nice header. The rest of your site does not match your header. Consider changing the header color of the header behind "products and services" as well as "What's new" and "New Products for June" to 062887 your logo color. Also I would modify all the buttons to match your header.

Andrew Yuen

osCommerce, Community Team

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Thanks, Andy. I'll look into changing the color. I'm still reading up on osCommerce and trying things out. Oh, and the buttons will be modified once we've worked out all the kinks with the store and it's 'public' (right now there's no link to the store since I'm still working on it).


This is great though. I really appreciate feedback.

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You have spent a lot of time removing the right column, but it still appears on at least your create account page.


You stil need to add some detail in your privacy policy page its blank.


Your buttons look terrible. Do a google search for oscommerce buttons and you will find numerous free ones, some you can even modify to suit your site.


Every page i looked at had the same metatags. There are plenty of contrinutions to alter these, which will also help with your SEO.


After having only a quick look, the only major thing i see that could be off putting is the width of the left column. It looks a bit wide, and seems to give the illusion that the site is not centered, but pushed to one side, but maybe its mee.


Looks good so far. well done for doing something different.


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