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Documentation for developers


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I've had a search through the forums, and have found a couple of questions that are close to what I'm after, but no definitive answer:


Is there a developer's documentation of any kind? I'm looking for a database layout diagram, descriptions of the functions and classes, how they're called and what they return, etc. etc...


The reason for this is that I want to use the 2.2ms2 engine and admin back end, but to roll my own store-front. I have clients with very specific branding and layout needs that aren't met by the standard tabular design or the assorted contributions that tweak it.


668 Neighbour of the Beast

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That's a disadvantage of widely edited opensource projects: many of them doesnt' have doc for programmers because the code is often changed.


The way out i see - create Wiki for that stuff.

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  • 4 months later...


im new here, and am mainly here because i found that i do a lot of work around OsCommerce and modifying it for various web design etc jobs.


as im at home for a while lookin afta my new kid, i could quite probably produce a lot of documentation on the functions and stuff like that.


iv been doin crap around oscommerce for too long to be good for me (usually for awful pay by foreign people who get annoyed really easily).


at the moment im very slowly working out an XML based templating system, because people seem to be getting quite annoyed that they cant change the look of it.


if you want any specific function usage tell me and ill write up some stuff about it, until then ill be plugging away at my plugin system



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Just be aware that the new version of osCom is being developed (Spekulatius) so be warned that any efforts spent on MS2.2 may be superseded. Terra

My code for combining PayPal IPN with ** QTPro 4.25 ** osC Affiliate ** CCGV(trad)

and how to solve the invoice already paid error

General info: Allow customer to delete order comment ** FTP Programs & Text Editors ** Amending order email **

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