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The e-commerce.

Where are the actual tables [i]physically[/i] located?


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I'm new to OSCommerce and PHP in general, but have some experience in other object oriented languages. I'm trying to do some minor tweaks to my site while my developer concentrates on more vital programming.


I seem to be trapped in a loop. I'm trying to find where the actual tables are physically stored, more specifically where the country and state tables are located. All I seem to be able to find are reference calls.


I'm trying to write a routine whereby a new user simply selects their state/province from a single combined dropdown menu, and the corresponding country [usa,canada] is automatically registered into the system.


I believe I have to find the country codes to do this, but I'm not entirely sure.

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Your data is stored in your MySQL database. Most hosting companies provide PHPMyAdmin to access your database. To check the default settings you can also look into the oscommerce.sql file in the install directory - it lists all the values which are put into the database when installing the shop.


If you are unsure how to handle all this, I'd recommend reading up on PHP/MySQL before writing your own scripts - it'll save you a lot of hassle. al the best, Terra

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