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Creating new varaible using tep_session function


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I would like to utlise the tep_session function and basically create a new variable which I can access from each page.


Normally I would create this by doing the following:


$_SESSION["myVar"] = "Hello";


How would I create a new session variable using the tep_session function and then how would I retrieve it again?


Many thanks,


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How would I create a new session variable using the tep_session function and then how would I retrieve it again?
See how that is done in login.php. $_SESSION['myVar'] will do the job of retrieving it (if set of course). To see if it is registered there is a function called tep_session_is_registered.
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Sorry, I didnt quite understand that.


Are you saying I can create a new session variable called "myVar" by doing the following:




Then assign a value to it:


$myVar = 100;


Then to retrive it i would do this:


$myVarValue = tep_session_register('myVar');




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