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Editing Help Needed


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hi again,



I am almost ready to unviel my site for everyone to see but i ran into a problem...



Is it possible to add text or HTML to the header or footer of the page, if so than what do you have to do...


Also is it possible to add html to the Application_left.php and application_right.php files and if so how do you go about it..


Sorry if i am asking alot, i am just under stress becouse i have alot of ideas that i want to prepare for before the store goes online July 1st.





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I am going to guess you mean column_right and column_left not application...

Yes, you can add html or text to it. How you do it depends on where you want it to show up. To have it at the top of one of the columns add

<tr><td>your new stuff</td></tr> before the first <?PHP to have it at the bottom add it after the last ?>

To have it inbetween other boxes put


<tr><td>your new stuff</td></tr>


between the php code that calls for the different boxes


how it is added to the header or footer depends on where you want it to show up. You can open and edit both the /includes/header.php and footer.php with any html editer (even notepad) and add anything you want to it. If you know html you should be able to do it no problem.

Wendy James


Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep.

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This is sample text I am going to guess you mean column_right and column_left not application...

Yes, you can add html or text to it. How you do it depends on where you want it to show up. To have it at the top of one of the columns add

<tr><td>your new stuff</td></tr> before the first <?PHP to have it at the bottom add it after the last ?>

To have it inbetween other boxes put


<tr><td>your new stuff</td></tr>


between the php code that calls for the different boxes


how it is added to the header or footer depends on where you want it to show up. You can open and edit both the /includes/header.php and footer.php with any html editer (even notepad) and add anything you want to it. If you know html you should be able to do it no problem.


Thanks very much, the code help you provided worked great.. Hope to have the site up and running in a week or two..




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