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How do I edit the Catagories screen?


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Hi, I have edited my site quite sucessfully so far but I have 1 problem thats bugging me.


At the index page, when you click a catagory from the list you are taken to that catagory page and the address bar shows something like http://www.mysite.co.uk/index.php?cPath=27


I need to make a couple of edits as a couple of buttons are'nt lining up to well but for the life of me I can't figure out which file to edit.


Can anyone please help before i'm completely bald.



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you need to be far more specific. What buttons? Where are they on the page? etc etc


Ok, you visit your home page, you click any catagory from the list and you are presented with the catagory page displaying the products in that page.


It's the 'add to cart' & 'more info' buttons. I don't need to edit the buttons, I have already done that - it's their layout within the page that I need to edit.


Many thanks

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It's the 'add to cart' & 'more info' buttons. I don't need to edit the buttons, I have already done that - it's their layout within the page that I need to edit.


Dude - again you need to be more specific. You want to change their position - fine. But how? Move them up top? Down below? Into the right column? The answer you'll get will vary depending on what exactly you want to do.

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