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automatically visiting first product in category


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You can see the site i'm working on using the link below:




What I want is for the user to be redirected to the first product in category (i.e. product_info.php) when they click a category in the left hand side.


E.g. if they click on 'cazal' top left.. Instead of taking them to a product list (which has been removed for this shop and replaced with the slider at the bottom) - it should take them to the first product in the category (in the case of cazal it should be the link given above).


Anyone have an idea of how to go about this?





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You can see the site i'm working on using the link below:




What I want is for the user to be redirected to the first product in category (i.e. product_info.php) when they click a category in the left hand side.


E.g. if they click on 'cazal' top left.. Instead of taking them to a product list (which has been removed for this shop and replaced with the slider at the bottom) - it should take them to the first product in the category (in the case of cazal it should be the link given above).


Anyone have an idea of how to go about this?






I'm not sure of what coding would need to be done to make this happen, but i'm pretty sure it would involve the catalog/product_info.php file. Probably you would need to come up with an sql query that gives you the info for only the first product rather than all the products in the category. Sorry I dont know how to code well enough to help you any further, but hopefully somebody else on the forums can help you out. Good luck!



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Still looking for a solution.. Basically i want it to redirect to the correct product_info.php upon clicking a category.. Instead of displaying a list of products in that category


Anyone have any advice?

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Still looking for a solution to this..


Anyone have a clue?


i guess i need to use the tep_redirect function.. but i don't know how to construct the query for the current category ...

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  • 3 months later...

i posted the same question HERE and only got this response thus far:

1) define "first" and modify your query appropriately in the MIDDLE section of the index.php file.


2 do not call the product listing file but use the ID generated by the query in step 1 to redirect to the product info page

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You need to make it clearer...What dictates that the first product in that category is displayed? The date added? The id number? The description? The product name?


Great site by the way!



Mark A Reynolds

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Well it looks like facelessface got it to work. I agree that he does have a very nice site (& orginal).


As for me I guess I would like to have it by the date added. My layout will be some what the same as facelessface's in that when you view a product you will also have on that page a thumbnail of every other product in that category.

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