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Using OSC as a BASKET


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I am attempting my first experience with OS Commerce. We only sell a few products on our sites, we're not doing a store full of stuff right how. The sites are complete and we just need links at the few add-to-cart buttons that hook up to a BASKET.


I thought I'd give OSC a try. we don't need anything fancy (no options). Just shipping and payment method hookup, email notifications, the basics.


Has anyone used OSC in a basket type mode? How do you set it up to operate that way? I just started going through the admin menu and I've yet to see anything that enables me to just use it like a basket as opposed to a STORE. :blink:


You assistance will be much appreciated. In fact, if you have operated OSC this way, I'd love to look at your website to see how it runs...



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You can't really use it that way. The package uses session ID's to track the cart. As your customers bounce back and forth between your html site and the cart, the session ID's can be lost and the cart will empty as a result. What most people do, if they want to hang on to their html site, is to place a link on it that says Shop, or whatever. Then the customer can click on that to see whatever products you have. The session ID problem still exists but won't affect you as badly.



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So unless I use OSC as my whole website, my customers might experience a bunch of screwball happenings?

I thought this would be a simple (and available) use of OSC. I'm disappointed. Any suggestions about other existing actual BASKETS (besides Paypal)? :(

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