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listing only the united states for sales


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Anyone have a quicker way to delete the countries than one by one via admin because we only accept sales in the U.S.? I've tried to search the topic but can't come up with anything that OS doesn't think is a function or not acceptable. Surely there must be an easier way than deleting over 200 countries one by one on a slow telephone internet connection??? Thanks for any help.


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One way to do it would be to log into your phpmyadmin, select the correct database then choose the table countries. Click on browse then click all of the boxes next to the countries you do not want/need then at the bottom of the list you should see a red x or delete/drop button, click that. You will have to do it several times to get through the whole list but easier than doing one at a time. You will then need to go to zones and do the same thing... deleting the zones you do not want/need.


If you attempt this you should really make a backup of the database first, just incase something get's messed up.


I would also suggest maybe trying this contribution after that. It is a good one. http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contributions,2148

or this one http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contributions,3404


Hope that helps.

Wendy James


Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep.

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Yes, that helped a lot, thank you. It's all done. I also did the modifications for Select State from Dropdown Menu and Set Country to Store Default - but found that it did not, of course, show up on my order_info.php PWA page. I checked into modifying that page with the code on the contribution, but my php skills weren't up to it. Can you refer me to anything for this?


2nd question is - I was able to modify everything so that the zip code is now showing up properly underneath the country on all the entry places but it is showing up between the city and state on the Shipping Address results on checkout_shipping.php. I checked about in the database tables to see if there was something in there, as I couldn't find any php page to control it. Is there one that I'm missing or ?


Thanks again for the help before.



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