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Can someone help me through installing CCGV(trad)


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Basically, im a little confused by the manual instructions ( my site is modified) . I am a beginner to all this so please please be patient!


In hte install guide all its says is install these, then gives me a large list of file names...so how exactly am i supposed ot install htem > I guess this is probably an incedibly newby question for most.... but please be nice...




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by install it means just copy them over to your webserver, into the relevant directory. Most files for the CCGV are new and can be copied straight over. Others you will need to open and add bits into. Some files require just adding a line or two to existing files. Others you will need a find and compare program (ExamDiff is a good free one) which will compare your file to the CCGV file and show you what has been added (or removed).


The CCGV mod is not for the faint hearted, but take each step one at the time, be methodical and backup your files before you start work.

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