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Listing Images against Descriptions On the categories page


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Hi, I was wondering if anyone can help me as i have been puzzeled with this for some time now.


When you access a categories page directly from the main index.php you get a grid of sub categories each having a picture and description, what i want to do is list each sub category individually and follow it with a description. i.e


instead of the default shop layout of (http://demo.oscommerce.com/index.php?cPath=1):


[sub category image1] [sub category image2] [sub category image3]

(name 1) (name 2) (name 3)


[sub category image4] [sub category image5] [sub category image6]

(name 1) (name 2) (name 3)


I want:


[sub category image1] (name 1)

...................................{Description 1}


[sub category image2] (name 2)

...................................{Description 2}


[sub category image3] (name 3)

...................................{Description 3}


[sub category image4] (name 4)

{Description 4}


If anyone knows how to do this, your help would be greatly apreciated!!!!!! :D



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If there isn't a contribution available that provides that functionality the necessary changes should be fairly easy to implement.

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If there isn't a contribution available that provides that functionality the necessary changes should be fairly easy to implement.


No there isnt, have gone though all the relevent contributions.


I hope so as to be honest, i am a complete noob at this and have no real php experiance, If you could show me how to implement it it would be greatly apreciated.

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