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Help! Configure.php still writable (security risk)


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I don't know what's going on. I've got an osC installation and keep getting the warning at the top about my configure.php file still being writable. I use Fetch as my FTP client and I've tried to set permissions on this file

(catalog/includes/configure.php) to get rid of it. However, even if I set permissions to 000 (i.e., nobody can read/write or search it) I still get the error.


What can I do? I need to make this site live soon, so any help is greatly appreciated.

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If it's an IIS (windows, etc) server, you may not be able to do it like that. Some say the function is in their hosting control panel, but that didn't work for me.


I've never had a problem with using Filezilla (it's free) ... works every time, regardless of the server.

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Thanks for the reply.


I think the server is unix. However, I did get a call from the hosting company's support and they helped me solve it. They use a cpanel and I was obliged to set permissions from within there. (I couldn't do it via FTP).


What is Filezilla, in case this comes up again?

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I am also getting the following error message:


Warning: I am able to write to the configuration file: ~~~~~~~~~~~~/us/includes/configure.php. This is a potential security risk - please set the right user permissions on this file.


Yet on another cart attached to another site the page quoted appears to be exactly the same yet no error message.


Can someone help with what needs altering.



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The permissions for the configure.php files need to be set to 644, or 444, or 400 (depending on the server). or you will get that error. The permissions be set via cPanel if you have that on your hosting accout, or by right clicking and selecting "file attributes" in an FTP client (like Filezilla). The error has nothing to do with the contents of the file...just the permissions for the file.

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