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Problems with Downloadable Products


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I'm relatively new to oscommerce and am setting up a store that has some downloadable products, however I can't get a download link to appear anywhere.


-Here's what I've done so far: CHMODed everything as the documentation says, (I even CHMODed the downloadable file to 777 just in case).

-Turned on downloads in the control panel, 7 day window, 5 downloads permitted

-On the attribute page I put the filename in the box at the bottom for the product I want and saved it.


So far as I can tell this should be enough. I tried stripping out all of my customizations in the checkout process but that didn't help. I am using Paypal Website Payments Pro, (currently in test mode), and everything goes through great - just when I get to the 'Your Order Has Been Processed' page there's no download link anywhere. There's also no link in the confirmation E-mail or in the account pages.


Does anyone know what else I should be doing?


Thanks a lot,



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