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Product Images

Tyrone B

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Hello, to every one. I am developing my company?s web site; and I only have a little bit of experience. Right now I am adding Product Images to the site; and I am not share if I?m using the right format for my images.

I've notice that allot of images are in the JPG format, but I?m using BMP format because it's the only format that will let me edit my images. I use a scanner to get images, and my computers Paint Shop to edit. So I don't no if I'm safe using BMP or if I should find some software that will let me edit JPG.


Thanx Tyrone

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Is it Paint Shop Pro you're using? You should be able to edit .jpg in any decent program, so are you sure your program won't let you? That doesn't sound right.


I find that .gif's give better image quality, and I need to use the transparency feature that .jpg's can't provide.

. You have more control over .jpg compression, though you have to watch the quality at the lower compression levels.


As for .bmp files, I don't think the compression is up to much, so I'd avoid that. You could also try the .png format...

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.bmp's are only a good idea if you're sure all your visitors will have very, very fast internet connections. If you need a decent image editor, I personally use GIMP. It'll work with almost any image format you need, and it's open source and free. I actually prefer it to Paint Shop Pro, although I have to admit, I prefer Photoshop to it. I don't find GIMP's tools particularly intuitive. But Photoshop costs a bloody fortune.


Format-wise, generally, .jpg is best for photos, while .gif is best for web graphics without a lot of colors. I personally wouldn't use .png because I'm not sure how universal browser support is for it.

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