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1226 - User 'scrapbo1_p_os1' has exceeded the 'max_questions' resource (current value: 50000)


select configuration_key as cfgKey, configuration_value as cfgValue from configuration







'scrapbo_p_os1' is the name of the database. Do I need to add a second database? How would that be done if need be? Or am I way off the problem?






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I'm not an expert on this subject, and I think you already know the general problem (too many database queries) ...


All kinds of things play a part in that...and I as I understand it 50,000 may not really be your limit, but a limit you share with others. I could be wrong on that though.


Do you have "show category counts" turned on? Turning that off will reduce the number of queries considerably, especially if you have a lot of products/categories.


There are a lot of threads here somewhere re. optimization of the db...here's one:



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