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GBuy... who is working on a Mod?


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They have to release the API before a module can be written. Actually, it's not even supposed to be open for public beta testing until the 28th.

Edited by dynamoeffects

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  • 2 weeks later...
I'm certainly looking forward to some REAL competition for PayPal. I'll keep an eye on this as it develops. Thanks!

Anyone working on a payment module yet? Just wanted to see who is on the ball :-)

I'd do it myself if I could. hehe

Though it's google checkout :-) Not quite Gbuy, but still released.

Edited by FrostCS
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I'd love to work on the Payment module - I've got the skills (I developed the ePDQ payment module), but as of 29-Jun, Google Checkout is only available to US citizens (sellers certainly and buyers I think), so though I downloaded the API, I can't develop it without the co-operation of an American citizen or I have to wait for Google to release it to the world.


Anyone out there?

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I'd love to work on the Payment module - I've got the skills (I developed the ePDQ payment module), but as of 29-Jun, Google Checkout is only available to US citizens (sellers certainly and buyers I think), so though I downloaded the API, I can't develop it without the co-operation of an American citizen or I have to wait for Google to release it to the world.


Anyone out there?



What does "cooperation" consist of?

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I'd love to work on the Payment module - I've got the skills (I developed the ePDQ payment module), but as of 29-Jun, Google Checkout is only available to US citizens (sellers certainly and buyers I think), so though I downloaded the API, I can't develop it without the co-operation of an American citizen or I have to wait for Google to release it to the world.


Anyone out there?


I'd be happy to help -- I'm as anxious to see this get going as everyone else! My shop is at http://www.anezkahandmade.com/catalog, you can email me at info@... that domain.





Shannon Okey

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I have hired a guy to make a module so we can get something started. When it is done, I will make it available for a small donation to help cover my cost and eventually add it to the contrib section.




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Does anyone know when this will be available in the UK? :huh: I think it is only USA at the moment :(




Nobody knows at the moment, but I guess you will be in even better situation - will get working solution from google, they will test it on US :)


Definitely you need to start prepearing your store now - to be ready in 1-2 months

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This is rather greedy...


osCommerce is based on the willingness of others to share their information and code with others. You are using free code to power your shop, hundreds and thousands of hours have gone into the coding of osCommerce. It is powered through contributions and donation of peoples time. You should be listing your implementation of Google Checkout as a contribution, not trying to get people to buy it. To me, that is just a wrong way to abuse open source.



Edited by wheeloftime
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i cannot beleive the nerve of this guy, who has probably used so many other developed contributions over the years and now has written one and wants to charge for it? oscommer should take out any reference to this contribution.




i am tempted to purchase it and post it except for the fact that it might be encoded.

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I also don't beleive it's right to charge for a "contribution" let alone sell it on your site.

"Contribution - a voluntary gift (as of money or service or ideas) made to some worthwhile cause [syn: donation]"

I am going to contribute to charity this year, I will give 100 kids a cookie. *Example*


I am going to contribute to charity this year, I will give 100 kids a cookie after they plow my fields, harvest my grain, feed my tigers, and suck glass from a straw. *NOT an Example*

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i personally don't care if it is a paid contribution or a free one - it is the quality matters (not the price!) - at the end - it is us - the osc users are the beneficiaries -

Edited by cfiger
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