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The e-commerce.

newbie question -- is there a limit to the number of products?


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I'm trying to figure out if OSCommerice would work for me. I run an established 9 year old internet business. I am looking to redesign my website, since it is many years old and could use an overhaul, especially the shopping cart.


I have a large inventory of 80,000+ different items and am wondering if there is an upper limit to the amount of products that can be entered into an oscommerce based site. Also, is the catalog system able to support the thousands of categories and many tiers of subcategories necessary to make searching and browsing quick and easy?


I've been looking through the live sites, and haven't found any yet with anything approaching the number of items that I have currently available. I would appreciate any help and/or knowledge you could share.


Thanks in advance.


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No, there's no limit on the number of products you can have. You can have a basically unlimited number of categories and subcategories.

Always BACK UP your files and your database before making any changes. Before asking questions, check out the Knowledge Base. Check out the contributions to see if your problem's solved there. Search the forums.


Useful threads: Store Speed Optimization How to make a horrible shop Basics for design change How to search the forums


Useful contributions: Easypopulate Fast, Easy Checkout Header Tag Controller

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I'm trying to figure out if OSCommerice would work for me. I run an established 9 year old internet business. I am looking to redesign my website, since it is many years old and could use an overhaul, especially the shopping cart.


I have a large inventory of 80,000+ different items and am wondering if there is an upper limit to the amount of products that can be entered into an oscommerce based site. Also, is the catalog system able to support the thousands of categories and many tiers of subcategories necessary to make searching and browsing quick and easy?


I've been looking through the live sites, and haven't found any yet with anything approaching the number of items that I have currently available. I would appreciate any help and/or knowledge you could share.


Thanks in advance.



As much as your web space will allow

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