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Logging customer ip address ?


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Hi all,


When a customer creates an account, i'd like to be able to collect their ip address when they submit the form. Is this possible ?


I have taken a look in the contribution section but can only find ones for when customers make an order then it logs their ip.



Any help/advice would be appreciated.




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Hey Tom,


you can view ip addresses in the admin section, but to log them as part of the users info i don't know.


Give me the url link for the contribution you are talking about and i'll try and hack it up because i'm also interested in adding something like that to my site.



Menou and unome

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Hi Nick,


Thanks for your reply, I have just managed to make what i need, all seems to be working fine.


I have also just took the time to write a step by step guide and uploaded it as a contribution (my first one). Hope that it will come to some use for people.


Would appreciate if you or someone could try it out and let me know if it all works.


Link: http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contributions,4328






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