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[Contribution] Discount Coupon Codes


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Hi Tracy, thanks for offering to help. :-)



3. I read through the entire ReadMe and common problems. There's no mention of missing error messages. Do you think you can contact Kristen? (please?)




Is this the issue with having Debug mode turned on? Try switching your setting on this and see if it helps.


Admin > Modules > Order Totals > Discount Coupons

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Hello , after installation evrythink works good but I don't recive email when somobody set order. Customer recive email but owner not ...


Enybody have same problem ?


Thanks for halp and sorry for language errors


In order to receive the notification email, you have to enter the address you want it sent to.


Admin > Configuration > My Store > Send Extra Order Emails To



Hope that helps

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Bringing up an old topic that I havn't seen a reply to yet....


I'm trying to show the final price, including discounts BEFORE the customer is asked for their payment information.


Does anyone have any ideas on how to do this?


I've tried changing the page the discount code is entered on, but I have not been able to make it a functional entry field when I do that.

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Is this the issue with having Debug mode turned on? Try switching your setting on this and see if it helps.


Admin > Modules > Order Totals > Discount Coupons


I've tried with both Error Message On and Off. Doesn't seem to make a difference. :-(


Help? Anyone?

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You need to restore from a backup and try re-installing.


I am having the same issue with looping from






and back to




You mean start all over again? From scratch? And then editing all the files again, manually? Damn ....

No easy way around this? I tried a simple remove and install again, doesn't seem to do the trick.

Edited by inveritas
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I am having the same issue with looping from






and back to




You mean start all over again? From scratch? And then editing all the files again, manually? Damn ....

No easy way around this? I tried a simple remove and install again, doesn't seem to do the trick.


I noticed this is when using table based shipping costs only. Help;-)

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Is there an error message showing in the URL ? Are you using a template contribution? I double checked the manuals I have for DCC and didn't find the fix - but I do remember having to fix the error codes and the ability to move through the checkout process rather than redirecting backwards.


I will double check my emails and see if I can find some info for you. My problems were due to attempting to use DCC with STS and SPPC and Master Products (and several other contribs).



I've tried with both Error Message On and Off. Doesn't seem to make a difference. :-(


Help? Anyone?


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Ok - some info from my email correspondence with Kristen awhile back :thumbsup:


My URL was showing the error message - Kristen said:


Notice the "not+valid.&osCsid=" part. That "&" is causing the problem. Basically, it's causing that session id (osCsid) to not be read, and then we can't match the session to existing session data...and we're thrown back to login.php.


LOL, I have run into this issue before. It was because of SEO URLs.

Admin Configuration > SEO URLs > Output W3C valid URLs (parameter string)? should be set to FALSE.


Now, I get errors when I try to get to checkout_configuration, with the ot_together.php module. Did you remove that? Also, the errors don't display on checkout_payment.php. Is this a templated store? If so, you'll need to add in code to handle errors, since DCC uses some stock error handling code found in the osC includes/header.php file.


Kristen then emailed me with a "Readme" file she had updated that included this issue in the "Common Problems" section - apparently it was changed again before the DCC v3 went live:


The payment page refreshes when I enter a coupon, but nothing shows. The URL looks like: checkout_payment.php?error_message=Some+error+message+here.No error message displays on the payment page because you're using a template and for some reason templates disregard the standard osCommerce code that handles and displays the messages. To get error messages to display on the payment page:


OPEN checkout_payment.php


FIND around line 148:

 if (isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['payment_error']) && is_object(${$HTTP_GET_VARS['payment_error']}) && ($error = ${$HTTP_GET_VARS['payment_error']}->get_error())) {
	<td><table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">
		<td class="main"><b><?php echo tep_output_string_protected($error['title']); ?></b></td>
	<td><table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2" class="infoBoxNotice">
	  <tr class="infoBoxNoticeContents">
		<td><table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">
			<td><?php echo tep_draw_separator('pixel_trans.gif', '10', '1'); ?></td>
			<td class="main" width="100%" valign="top"><?php echo tep_output_string_protected($error['error']); ?></td>
			<td><?php echo tep_draw_separator('pixel_trans.gif', '10', '1'); ?></td>
	<td><?php echo tep_draw_separator('pixel_trans.gif', '100%', '10'); ?></td>

ADD this code before:

 if (isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['error_message']) && tep_not_null($HTTP_GET_VARS['error_message'])) {
<table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">
 <tr class="headerError">
<td class="headerError"><?php echo htmlspecialchars(urldecode($HTTP_GET_VARS['error_message'])); ?></td>


Hopefully this will help :thumbsup: I placed the above code on checkout_payment.php as well as checkout_shipping.php (and any other checkout pages where you would want to have the ability for errors to show) and it fixed the problem for me ;)


Is there an error message showing in the URL ? Are you using a template contribution? I double checked the manuals I have for DCC and didn't find the fix - but I do remember having to fix the error codes and the ability to move through the checkout process rather than redirecting backwards.


I will double check my emails and see if I can find some info for you. My problems were due to attempting to use DCC with STS and SPPC and Master Products (and several other contribs).


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I'm getting the following error when I click the install button in Admin - Any ideas?


1171 - All parts of a PRIMARY KEY must be NOT NULL; If you need NULL in a key, use UNIQUE instead


CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS discount_coupons_to_orders ( coupons_id VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', orders_id INT(11) DEFAULT '0', PRIMARY KEY (coupons_id,orders_id) )

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I'm getting the following error when I click the install button in Admin - Any ideas?


1171 - All parts of a PRIMARY KEY must be NOT NULL; If you need NULL in a key, use UNIQUE instead


CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS discount_coupons_to_orders ( coupons_id VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', orders_id INT(11) DEFAULT '0', PRIMARY KEY (coupons_id,orders_id) )


I am having the exact same problem. I tried creating the tables manually in SQL and changed statement:


CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS discount_coupons_to_orders (

coupons_id VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',

orders_id INT(11) DEFAULT '0',

PRIMARY KEY (coupons_id,orders_id)





CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS discount_coupons_to_orders (

coupons_id VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',

orders_id INT(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',

PRIMARY KEY (coupons_id,orders_id)



But the problem still presists while installing the module, i.e. the same error appears. I guess, it would be ideal to change the SQL statement from with in DCC, but I dont know where that statement has been defined to execute during installation.


Can any one please help us out here...?



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I've still not figured this one out! Is there anyone who can help?




I think this should solve the issue.


Go to catalog/includes/modules/order_total/ot_discount_coupon.php




tep_db_query("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS discount_coupons_to_orders (

coupons_id VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',

orders_id INT(11) DEFAULT '0',

PRIMARY KEY (coupons_id,orders_id)






tep_db_query("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS discount_coupons_to_orders (

coupons_id VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',

orders_id INT(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',

PRIMARY KEY (coupons_id,orders_id)


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I think I found the fix for the last question...nevermind on that one....but still would like to figure out how to transfer the discounted total to google checkout. Thanks.


How did you manage to transfer coupon discount to google checkout, because the google checkout button appears right after u have added the items to your cart and you certainly cannot add discount there.


Please let me know hw did you manage to do that as i was about to uninstall this google checkout module and install other Google Checkout module "http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/5157/v,22".

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How did you manage to transfer coupon discount to google checkout, because the google checkout button appears right after u have added the items to your cart and you certainly cannot add discount there.


Please let me know hw did you manage to do that as i was about to uninstall this google checkout module and install other Google Checkout module "http://addons.oscommerce.com/info/5157/v,22".



I didnt figure that part out. I may end up having to do exactly what you are thinking about doing.

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I didnt figure that part out. I may end up having to do exactly what you are thinking about doing.


Hmm... I dont know if we will be able to go ahead with that module either, as a little while ago, i was reading the documentation of that module and it mentions that, that module doesnt comply with the rules and regulations laid by Google. its something to do with displaying the GoogleCheckout button before that buyer has to input his login details (or register).


Dont know what to do yet...


Please let me know if you manage to figure that out... or even if any one else reading this topic figures out.



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Hmm... I dont know if we will be able to go ahead with that module either, as a little while ago, i was reading the documentation of that module and it mentions that, that module doesnt comply with the rules and regulations laid by Google. its something to do with displaying the GoogleCheckout button before that buyer has to input his login details (or register).


Dont know what to do yet...


Please let me know if you manage to figure that out... or even if any one else reading this topic figures out.





You can use it however you just wont be able to use adwords from what I read.


I did install that module and it doesnt pass the discount over to google either...so they are both not working. I will post up if I figure this out.

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You can use it however you just wont be able to use adwords from what I read.


I did install that module and it doesnt pass the discount over to google either...so they are both not working. I will post up if I figure this out.


Hmm.. OK.


Well, I will waite for your post then. Thanks.

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Does anyone know what my problem might be,


I installed this contribution, very easy install..


Created a couple coupons.. tried to test.. basically.. the discount is applied to the subtotal if I set that to be true.. if I set it to be false.. it doesnt.. which is the way its supposed to be.. however in the first case the total is correct and in the second case.. the total is as if the discount wasnt applied at all..


more over.. the Discount Coupon

 Applied: -$xX.xx line isnt even displayed in either case.. which is very strange.. 


has this happened to anyone?



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