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[Contribution] Discount Coupon Codes


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Hey guys,


We have SPPC and Quantity Price Breaks for SPPC (among several other contrib's). We need to setup things so that Discount Coupons do not apply to products priced at the Quantity Price Break amount, but only to regular prices. Anyone have thoughts on how to do this? :blush:




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Thanks, I got it working now. The Only problem is when I get the confirmation the amount doesnt show a minus. Anyone know why this might be?

Below is how it shows.


Discount Coupon 123465 applied: £8.30

Sub-Total: £74.68

Table Rate (Best Way): £2.50

UK Tax 17.5%: £11.12

Total: £77.18

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hi i installed this by editing the files not uploading over them


and i now look at my admin, my links text changed to this , SEE PICTURE






also, a bigger problem, i added item to cart, logged in, proceeded to checkout from the checkout shipping page i clicked to advance to the checkout payment page and the page loaded but its black?


see the page: http://pureg.net/shop/checkout_payment.php




how can i fix this?


thank you

Edited by pure11
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hi i installed this by editing the files not uploading over them


and i now look at my admin, my links text changed to this , SEE PICTURE



also, a bigger problem, i added item to cart, logged in, proceeded to checkout from the checkout shipping page i clicked to advance to the checkout payment page and the page loaded but its black?


see the page: http://pureg.net/shop/checkout_payment.php

how can i fix this?


thank you



P.S. Here is my checkout_payment file and what it looks like:





$Id: checkout_payment.php,v 1.14 2003/02/06 17:38:16 thomasamoulton Exp $


osCommerce, Open Source E-Commerce Solutions



Copyright © 2002 osCommerce


Released under the GNU General Public License


define('NAVBAR_TITLE_1', 'Checkout');

define('NAVBAR_TITLE_2', 'Payment Method');

define('HEADING_TITLE', 'Payment Information');

define('TABLE_HEADING_BILLING_ADDRESS', 'Billing Address');

define('TEXT_SELECTED_BILLING_DESTINATION', 'Please choose from your address book where you would like the invoice to be sent to.');

define('TITLE_BILLING_ADDRESS', 'Billing Address:');

define('TABLE_HEADING_PAYMENT_METHOD', 'Payment Method');

define('TEXT_SELECT_PAYMENT_METHOD', 'Please select the preferred payment method to use on this order.');

define('TITLE_PLEASE_SELECT', 'Please Select');

define('TEXT_ENTER_PAYMENT_INFORMATION', 'This is currently the only payment method available to use on this order.');

define('TABLE_HEADING_COMMENTS', 'Add Comments About Your Order');

define('TITLE_CONTINUE_CHECKOUT_PROCEDURE', 'Continue Checkout Procedure');

define('TEXT_CONTINUE_CHECKOUT_PROCEDURE', 'to confirm this order.');

//kgt - discount coupons

define('TABLE_HEADING_COUPON', 'Do you have a promotional code or discount coupon?');

//end kgt - discount coupons




please help!

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disregard the message above, i uploaded checkout_payment.php file you provided instead of doing the edits and it fixed my problem, so i am assuming that the edits that you provide in your instructions there is something wrong there..




p.s. the picture i posted above with my admin panel and the LINKS/TEXT showing up the way its showing up still is a problem, any ideas how to fix that?



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Two things - the problem you are having in the image would most likely be on your catalog/admin/includes/languages/english.php file


The fact you are having problems may be caused by corruption during FTP Upload - are you making sure to upload in ASCII format and not Binary ?




disregard the message above, i uploaded checkout_payment.php file you provided instead of doing the edits and it fixed my problem, so i am assuming that the edits that you provide in your instructions there is something wrong there..




p.s. the picture i posted above with my admin panel and the LINKS/TEXT showing up the way its showing up still is a problem, any ideas how to fix that?




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Two things - the problem you are having in the image would most likely be on your catalog/admin/includes/languages/english.php file


The fact you are having problems may be caused by corruption during FTP Upload - are you making sure to upload in ASCII format and not Binary ?




hi i believe you are correct, is there any way for me to fix this without replacing the entire file?

i read on here somewhere that there is a free program that you can open 2 files and match whats in the file so you can see the edits you did, do you know where i can get it or what its called?




Edited by pure11
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I have followed all the installation steps and had some errors so uninstalled the whole thing and started from scratch - on my third attempt now and am simply baffled as to what I am doing wrong. The admin pages work perfectly but nothing has changed in my checkout procedures, there is not reference at all to a coupon!


Please take a look and see for yourself D7 Recruitment Website

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Help! Has anyone tried to do a 100% discount? In other words make a product a freebie?


I just tried it and the cart still sends me to Paypal and makes me have to pay at least 1 penny to get the item.


I don't have mail order installed as this site is a digital items only store.


You can check it out here and try this code: DTRV9K




I really need to get this working before my next newsletter goes out on the 28th if anyone can figure this out.


Thanks in advance.

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I am having major issues with my discount codes... and it's doing my head in!


I have a customer who has been given a coupn for $10, her order total is $11.70, yet when the discount is entered... this is what comes up...


Sub-Total: $9.99

Discount Coupon OCTWC2 applied: -$1.71

Flat Rate (Best Way): $5.50

Total: $13.78


I have been searching for so long on how to fix this and found nothing.... please someone help me!

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I am having major issues with my discount codes... and it's doing my head in!


I have a customer who has been given a coupn for $10, her order total is $11.70, yet when the discount is entered... this is what comes up...


Sub-Total: $9.99

Discount Coupon OCTWC2 applied: -$1.71

Flat Rate (Best Way): $5.50

Total: $13.78


I have been searching for so long on how to fix this and found nothing.... please someone help me!


It looks like you have put a percentage value in of 10% rather than a fixed amount of $10

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d7recruitment - thanks for your speedy reply, however it is definitely a $$$ coupon as I have other % discounts that work. I double checked it and it is definitely coming up as a $$$ discount.

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d7recruitment - thanks for your speedy reply, however it is definitely a $$$ coupon as I have other % discounts that work. I double checked it and it is definitely coming up as a $$$ discount.


it's hard to tell without being in your system, do you want me to have a look around your system for you - can't promise anything but sometimes a fresh pair of eyes always help? email me if you want me to login to your admin and see - if nothing I am happy to take a look at your code for you :)

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Just had another play around... it seems that if i make the order $12 , the coupn will work. It just didn't work for under $12, so the order total needed to be $2 more than the coupn amount


However, I also tried doing it with a larger amount... I made a order for $50, and used a $50 coupon - it worked!


I just don't get it!


d7 - what code should I show you?

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Just had another play around... it seems that if i make the order $12 , the coupn will work. It just didn't work for under $12, so the order total needed to be $2 more than the coupn amount


However, I also tried doing it with a larger amount... I made a order for $50, and used a $50 coupon - it worked!


I just don't get it!


d7 - what code should I show you?


I don't think looking at the code will help it seems like a simple solution in your admin pages. Have you set a minimum order value on your coupons? If you don't want me in your admin pages send a screen shot of your admin coupon page (catalog/discount coupons)

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I have been using this contribution for awhile now and love it. I just recently discovered something that I think has cost me a few sales. I don't really know if it's a bug, if not I'm hoping there is a way around it.


I use the contrib to provide a shipping discount for all customers. It works fine all the way through, unless someone gets to the confirmation page and goes back one page (to the payment page) and then goes back to the confirmation page again without changing anything on the payment page. It will give you the following error

1062 - Duplicate entry '56VUFY-66' for key 1
insert into discount_coupons_to_orders (coupons_id, orders_id) values ('56VUFY', '66')

I know it's giving me that because they already entered the code the first time they were on the Payment page and it's trying to insert it again. However, it only does it if you are using paypal as the payment method. It doesn't do it if you are using something else or if you change from paypal to something else.


Once that happens there is no way for the customer to continue unless they change the payment method or remove the discount from the payment page which means no discount.


Anyone know a way around this or a fix maybe?



Currently running 76 contibutions.

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In order to correct the file you have on the live site you will need to re-upload it in ASCII mode.


I use WinMerge - http://winmerge.org/ There are others out there as well.


hi i believe you are correct, is there any way for me to fix this without replacing the entire file?

i read on here somewhere that there is a free program that you can open 2 files and match whats in the file so you can see the edits you did, do you know where i can get it or what its called?



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Thanks again d7 for your reply.


Sorry I don't know how to do a screen shot, however, I am pretty confident it is nothing with when I set the coupon. As I have tried entering nothing but $10 in the amount field. The min order is left blank. I have made up other coupons and I am still getting the same result (Order needs to be $2 more than the coupon to work).

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I'd like to first thank KGT and all the other developers of this contribution for making a great addition to osC. Now, onto the issue at hand...


I'd like to issue this warning here for everyone watching the forums. I've also added this as a note to the contribution's download page (for people who don't read the forums). I ran a search through this topic to make sure this issue hasn't already been discussed, but if I've missed something, please let me know. This is vital information for anyone who wants to restrict their discount to a specific category:


When selecting product categories to exclude from being discounted, you MUST keep both the parent categories AND the sub-categories that you do intend to discount. That may sound confusing, so here is an example to illustrate:


Say we are selling toy cars and we have them in 2 different categories - Trucks and Autos. Let's say our customer wants to buy a truck, and he/she must choose from a number of sub-categories, such as Dump-trucks, Big-rigs, Pickups, etc. Now, let's say that you want to create a coupon that will discount Pickups ONLY and not the other categories. You cannot simply leave out "Trucks->Pickups" from the list of excluded categories. You MUST ALSO leave out the parent category "Trucks" as well. If you do not leave out the parent category, the coupon code WILL NOT work for your customer even if he/she does add a Pickup truck to the cart and supplies the correct coupon code.


To elaborate, the whole system of exclusion seems a bit confusing IMHO. Wouldn't it make more sense to choose the categories/products/users that you DO want to have discounted, rather than excluding the ones you DON'T? Seems more likely that a business would be selective about what they want to discount and disregard everything that they don't want to discount. Maybe this is just my opinion? Regardless, the issue of having to select the parent category should be addressed because it is very misleading. Selecting the sub-category should be good enough.


Anyway, I hope this warning has helped others. Unforunately, I cannot write code as well as the contributors, so all I can do is point this issue out and hope it gets fixed. Perhaps all of you will support this idea too :)



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This is going to sound really strange, but after adding this contribution, my products double in price during the checkout process. For example, if the item cost $10, the sub-total now says $20, and so on. I feel like I really screwed up the code somehow. If anyone can help, please let me know.

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I've got SPPC with PBPC installed. I've also installed Discount Coupon Codes with the addon for excluding groups. All of this works very well, although percentages are difficult to apply to override SPPC quantity discounts.


For example: GroupA doesn't pay MSRP (SPPC) and gets 20% off for ordering 1 item. They get 30% for 12 items. We'd like to offer a coupon code granting them 30% off no matter how many items they order. Discount Coupon understandably discounts at the subtotal part of the checkout process, but this applies a blanket discount over the top of their price break. So GroupA buys 12 items and gets 30% off and then another 30% off on top of that. It'd be possible to make a multiplier of .875 that would work to bring 20% to 30% if they order under 12 items, but that doesn't prevent the usage on 12 or more items.


It seems like it would be difficult to override the current item prices, as they are already in the cart, unless you wrote a custom query to grab the product_price MSRP and recalculated the whole cart with options just for the discount process and passed it to the checkout_confirmation as the new total. Or is there way to format the discount type so that it only applies to total quantities under a certain amount?


Ideas on an easier way to achieve this ability? I know it is tough, but would likely be very helpful to SPPC+QPB users.

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I have installed the discount coupon codes contrib. When I go to checkout, choose shipping option (only one-flat rate) and then click continue I get a white screen. In my apache error log this is what I get.


PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare do_magic_quotes_gpc() (previously declared in store/includes/functions/compatibility.php:18) in store/includes/functions/compatibility.php on line 30, referer: https:/store/checkout_shipping.php



Any ideas of what the problem is? I did not have the problem until I installed the coupon module. I disable it, but still have the problem.

There should not be any problem with the checkout_shipping.php because it is not edited for this module.


I am using the PayPal IPN option, but I don't think that is the problem because we don't get that far into the checkout process.

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I'd like to first thank KGT and all the other developers of this contribution for making a great addition to osC. Now, onto the issue at hand...


I'd like to issue this warning here for everyone watching the forums. I've also added this as a note to the contribution's download page (for people who don't read the forums). I ran a search through this topic to make sure this issue hasn't already been discussed, but if I've missed something, please let me know. This is vital information for anyone who wants to restrict their discount to a specific category:


When selecting product categories to exclude from being discounted, you MUST keep both the parent categories AND the sub-categories that you do intend to discount. That may sound confusing, so here is an example to illustrate:


Say we are selling toy cars and we have them in 2 different categories - Trucks and Autos. Let's say our customer wants to buy a truck, and he/she must choose from a number of sub-categories, such as Dump-trucks, Big-rigs, Pickups, etc. Now, let's say that you want to create a coupon that will discount Pickups ONLY and not the other categories. You cannot simply leave out "Trucks->Pickups" from the list of excluded categories. You MUST ALSO leave out the parent category "Trucks" as well. If you do not leave out the parent category, the coupon code WILL NOT work for your customer even if he/she does add a Pickup truck to the cart and supplies the correct coupon code.


To elaborate, the whole system of exclusion seems a bit confusing IMHO. Wouldn't it make more sense to choose the categories/products/users that you DO want to have discounted, rather than excluding the ones you DON'T? Seems more likely that a business would be selective about what they want to discount and disregard everything that they don't want to discount. Maybe this is just my opinion? Regardless, the issue of having to select the parent category should be addressed because it is very misleading. Selecting the sub-category should be good enough.


Anyway, I hope this warning has helped others. Unforunately, I cannot write code as well as the contributors, so all I can do is point this issue out and hope it gets fixed. Perhaps all of you will support this idea too :)




Your area correct in some ways, but I don't think it is a bug, more of a matter or preference. The CCGV (Trid) Contirb works in the way your describing. Either all cats are included or just the one(s) you select. You may want to try using that one.


Good luck

Currently running 76 contibutions.

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I have installed the discount coupon codes cont rib. When I go to checkout, choose shipping option (only one-flat rate) and then click continue I get a white screen. In my apache error log this is what I get.

Any ideas of what the problem is? I did not have the problem until I installed the coupon module. I disable it, but still have the problem.

There should not be any problem with the checkout_shipping.Phip because it is not edited for this module.


I am using the Papal PIN option, but I don't think that is the problem because we don't get that far into the checkout process.


I'm no coder, but it sounds like a compatibility issue maybe? I would try uninstalling the mod completely and see if things are back to normal. If you made a backup of the files you changed, it should be easy to do. This would tell you either way if it's the mod or something on your server has changed. I.E. PHP version or something else.


I know that's not much help, but it's a place to start.

Currently running 76 contibutions.

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