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[Contribution] Discount Coupon Codes


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I could use a little help.


I have installed Discount Coupon Codes 3.3 + bug fixes

Windows Server

PHP 5.2


Once I installed the Contribution and added a New Coupon, everything appeared to be great. However, when I clicked on the hyperlink 'online catalog' in the top right hand corner of the /admin screen to take me to my web site it opened a version of my admin Screen in a very basic/ diluted way. It was a mix between the /admin index.php, and my catalog index.php. If I click the refresh button many times it would eventually open the catalog Index.php file cleanly.

However, as I would walk a test order through it would give me various errors and fatal errors, but if I clicked refresh once it would usually clean that up. And after alot of refreshing and errors I could walk the order through. Once the coupon had been used it I would not expreince this problem anymore. But if I completed a New Coupon, I would get the same issue all over again. Even if I typed my URL into the address bar I would get the same issue on my index.php file.


I have moved my Catalog folder to my root folder, would this cause any issues? I also contacted my hosting company, but they are never really any help.


Can anyone point me in the right direction with this issue? Or has anyone experienced this issue.


This is highly suspicious behavior that I would attribute to a general problem rather than something you might have done installing Discount Coupon Codes.


The text of the errors you're getting is important. Always provide the error message.


A link to your site may also help debug the problem.



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This is what I have:

$contents[] = array('text' => '<a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_CATEGORIES, '', 'NONSSL') . '" class="menuBoxContentLink">' . BOX_CATALOG_CATEGORIES_PRODUCTS . '</a><br>' .

'<a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_PRODUCTS_ATTRIBUTES, '', 'NONSSL') . '" class="menuBoxContentLink">' . BOX_CATALOG_CATEGORIES_PRODUCTS_ATTRIBUTES . '</a><br>' .

'<a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_MANUFACTURERS, '', 'NONSSL') . '" class="menuBoxContentLink">' . BOX_CATALOG_MANUFACTURERS . '</a><br>' .

'<a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_REVIEWS, '', 'NONSSL') . '" class="menuBoxContentLink">' . BOX_CATALOG_REVIEWS . '</a><br>' .

'<a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_SPECIALS, '', 'NONSSL') . '" class="menuBoxContentLink">' . BOX_CATALOG_SPECIALS . '</a><br>' .

//kgt - discount coupons

'<a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_PRODUCTS_EXPECTED, '', 'NONSSL') . '" class="menuBoxContentLink">' . BOX_CATALOG_PRODUCTS_EXPECTED . '</a><br>'

'<a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_DISCOUNT_COUPONS, '', 'NONSSL') . '" class="menuBoxContentLink">' . BOX_CATALOG_DISCOUNT_COUPONS . '</a>' );


'<a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_PRODUCTS_EXPECTED, '', 'NONSSL') . '" class="menuBoxContentLink">' . BOX_CATALOG_PRODUCTS_EXPECTED . '</a>' );


//end kgt - discount coupons


This should be due to an error in the install instructions. Make it:


$contents[] = array('text' => '<a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_CATEGORIES, '', 'NONSSL') . '" class="menuBoxContentLink">' . BOX_CATALOG_CATEGORIES_PRODUCTS . '</a><br>' .
'<a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_PRODUCTS_ATTRIBUTES, '', 'NONSSL') . '" class="menuBoxContentLink">' . BOX_CATALOG_CATEGORIES_PRODUCTS_ATTRIBUTES . '</a><br>' .
'<a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_MANUFACTURERS, '', 'NONSSL') . '" class="menuBoxContentLink">' . BOX_CATALOG_MANUFACTURERS . '</a><br>' .
'<a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_REVIEWS, '', 'NONSSL') . '" class="menuBoxContentLink">' . BOX_CATALOG_REVIEWS . '</a><br>' .
'<a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_SPECIALS, '', 'NONSSL') . '" class="menuBoxContentLink">' . BOX_CATALOG_SPECIALS . '</a><br>' .
//kgt - discount coupons
'<a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_PRODUCTS_EXPECTED, '', 'NONSSL') . '" class="menuBoxContentLink">' . BOX_CATALOG_PRODUCTS_EXPECTED . '</a><br>' .
'<a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_DISCOUNT_COUPONS, '', 'NONSSL') . '" class="menuBoxContentLink">' . BOX_CATALOG_DISCOUNT_COUPONS . '</a>' );
'<a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_PRODUCTS_EXPECTED, '', 'NONSSL') . '" class="menuBoxContentLink">' . BOX_CATALOG_PRODUCTS_EXPECTED . '</a>' );
//end kgt - discount coupons



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Wow, I feel very ashamed now. The dates do actually show 9/22/0007. I can't believe that slipped by me. I guess that's the price of doing this stuff late at night.


Thanks for quickly pointing me to the solution.





"The coupon code you have entered is not valid" message displays when:


1. No coupons could be found with a date range that matches today

2. No coupon could be found that matches the given code

3. A customer-level exclusion was found


Double check none of the above is true. Also TRIPLE CHECK that your dates are REAL DATES. Make sure they're "9/22/2007" and not "9/22/0007".

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It's more like fudging. Unless you're giving a 100% discount, the tax will always be calculated against the discounted price. People who try to use these as gift certificates (applied after tax) are fudging and accepting the small errors that can crop up trying to do it that way. Or they just don't understand what the difference is.


Can you give an example of the small errors that would show up?


What I'm looking for:

Subtotal: $100.00 +

14% tax: $14.00 +

Gift Certificate: $20.00 -

Total Due: $94.00 =


What I expect to see based on the manual:

Subtotal: $100 +

Gift Certificate: $20 -

14% tax: $11.20 +

Total Due: $91.20 =


Is this the FULL extent of the errors, or is there more I should know about?

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I've been trying to debug this on my own, but the data appears to be stuck inside an array somewhere.


I found my bug after I upgraded to 3.3 I couldn't edit invoices anymore (change the status).


I went from 2.1 to 3.3 (so maybe I fudged something).

I turned on debug mode to test. I thought I turned it off, but...

The first customer (after upgrade) came rolling through and completed a transaction.


Now when I look at the order on the orders.php page (in edit mode)


I get this:

PRODUCT TABLE  (tax, price, price, total, total)
2308	  5%	  $18.00	  $18.00	  $18.00	  $18.00
Discount Coupon C007 applied: 	-$7.40 	[INVOICE BUTTON].....


Notice how it doesn't have more of the subtotal in there. Just the coupon then straight to the invoice button.

It also skips over letting me edit comments, and changing the status of the order.


So I looked at the source code of the page:



<td class="smallText" align="right">Discount Coupon C007 applied:</td>
			<td class="smallText" align="right">-$7.40

<!-- Discount Coupons DEBUG
order Object
[info] => Array
		[order_status] => 2
		[currency] => USD
		[currency_value] => 1.00000000
		[payment_method] => Authorize.net AIM
			<td align="right" class="smallText">Sub-Total:</td>
			<td align="right" class="smallText">$66.60</td>


There is this strange HTML comment in there about debug mode, which essentially omits most of the rest of the page until it gets to a full set of comments below, at which point the unbalanced comments are cleared.


I am no longer in debug mode (I even switched into it, and out of it, to make sure that I was out of it). So is this stuck in my database now that I have to go edit?






P.S. On a completely different note. Any thought of creating a new Topic for 3.3? I tried to download the entire topic so I could search for this problem, but it doesn't download the whole thing, just a small chunk of it. Just a thought.

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First of all I would like to thank you for writing this great contribution. I've installed it this week. I'm working with tax applaid and fixed discounts. At first I didn't get the right value but commenting out line 116 of includes/classes/discount_coupon.php fixed that.


However I'm having a problem with the Max Use number. I've set it to 1 but I can use it over and over again. In the reports the Global Number Available Remaining is -4 because it's used 5 times.


I hope you can help me out here. I'm using the latest 3.3 version.

Thanks in advance.

Edited by emmetje
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This is a followup to my earlier post about the problem I am having on my order total page. The following should be self explanatory. I went diving into my database:


mysql> select title,text,value,class,sort_order from orders_total where orders_id={MY_ORDER_NUM};
| title										  | text																																																															| value   | class			  | sort_order |
| Discount Coupon CD2007 applied:				| -$7.40

<!-- Discount Coupons DEBUG
order Object
[info] => Array
		[order_status] => 2
		[currency] => USD
		[currency_value] => 1.00000000
		[payment_method] => Authorize.net AIM
		[cc_typ | -7.4000 | ot_discount_coupon |		  1 | 
| Sub-Total:									 | $66.60																																																														  | 66.6000 | ot_subtotal		|		  3 | 
| VA TAX 5.0%:								   | $3.33																																																														   |  3.3300 | ot_tax			 |		  5 | 
| Free Shipping (For orders of $0.00 or more. ): | $0.00																																																														   |  0.0000 | ot_shipping		|		  8 | 
| Total:										 | <b>$69.93</b>																																																												   | 69.9300 | ot_total		   |		 10 | 
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)


As you can see, it looks as if the debug stuff got inserted into the database. WHOO WHOO!! I'm going to go try to extract it.


update orders_total set text='-$7.40' where orders_total_id=809


The line above fixed the problem. I'll have to wait until I get another customer to see if this fixes it for good. I'm guessing the only reason it got stuffed in there was because I was in debug mode. *SHRUG* I'm just happy to be able to edit my invoices again!



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This is a followup to my earlier post about the problem I am having on my order total page. The following should be self explanatory. I went diving into my database:


As you can see, it looks as if the debug stuff got inserted into the database. WHOO WHOO!! I'm going to go try to extract it.


update orders_total set text='-$7.40' where orders_total_id=809


The line above fixed the problem. I'll have to wait until I get another customer to see if this fixes it for good. I'm guessing the only reason it got stuffed in there was because I was in debug mode. *SHRUG* I'm just happy to be able to edit my invoices again!





I think you are correct. Now that you have debug off, you shouldn't run into this again. Good work figuring the problem out and solving it.


Just to clarify for everyone:

Debug Mode should NOT be left on in production stores. It really is only for debugging. It's one of those things you should be turning on just to get the information and either look at it or send it to me, and then turning off again right away. It interferes with normal operation of DCC and osCommerce in more than one way.



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First of all I would like to thank you for writing this great contribution. I've installed it this week. I'm working with tax applaid and fixed discounts. At first I didn't get the right value but commenting out line 116 of includes/classes/discount_coupon.php fixed that.


However I'm having a problem with the Max Use number. I've set it to 1 but I can use it over and over again. In the reports the Global Number Available Remaining is -4 because it's used 5 times.


I hope you can help me out here. I'm using the latest 3.3 version.

Thanks in advance.



If you're using version 3.3, what did comment out? The line that would have been commented out on line 116 was from version 2. Did you upgrade? If so, make sure you uploaded the new version of the discount_coupon.php class file.



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Can you give an example of the small errors that would show up?


What I'm looking for:

Subtotal: $100.00 +

14% tax: $14.00 +

Gift Certificate: $20.00 -

Total Due: $94.00 =


What I expect to see based on the manual:

Subtotal: $100 +

Gift Certificate: $20 -

14% tax: $11.20 +

Total Due: $91.20 =


Is this the FULL extent of the errors, or is there more I should know about?



This is exactly the kind of discrepancy you can expect. (In the US, sales taxes are generally much smaller percentages, so the difference can usually be considered a "small error" for store owners who are trying to do this).



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If you're using version 3.3, what did comment out? The line that would have been commented out on line 116 was from version 2. Did you upgrade? If so, make sure you uploaded the new version of the discount_coupon.php class file.


Thanks for the reply. It's a fresh 3.3 install. I've removed the comment and the value of the discount was still right. I don't understand why it didn't work correctly before but it's working so don't bother.


Sadly the other problem is still there. I can use the code unlimited altough I set the max use to 1. I hope you can help me out here.


(Sorry when my english isn't correct)

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If you're using version 3.3, what did comment out? The line that would have been commented out on line 116 was from version 2. Did you upgrade? If so, make sure you uploaded the new version of the discount_coupon.php class file.


Ok problem solved. When reading your other post I remembered that the debugging was on. Turned it of and it works fine.


Thanks for the support anyway. You've done I great job writing this contibution and you're doing an even better supporting it.

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Issue with % discounts and non existent discountcodes.


I am experiencing some bugs with the contribution that I wondered if anyone could advise me on.


1. the development shop is - http://www.totalfx.webserverworld.co.uk/catalog/index.php


at checkout when i apply a fixed number code (e.g. CTY5V) however if I try a % discount (e.g. RTKZQU) it fails and re-routes to the cart page.


Also, if I oput in a non existent code it simply ignores it, whereas I expected to be getting a message saying something like - 'that is not a real discount code'


Can anyone help me to solve this?




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Issue with % discounts and non existent discountcodes.


I am experiencing some bugs with the contribution that I wondered if anyone could advise me on.


1. the development shop is - http://www.totalfx.webserverworld.co.uk/catalog/index.php


at checkout when i apply a fixed number code (e.g. CTY5V) however if I try a % discount (e.g. RTKZQU) it fails and re-routes to the cart page.


Also, if I oput in a non existent code it simply ignores it, whereas I expected to be getting a message saying something like - 'that is not a real discount code'


Can anyone help me to solve this?







See the README for help getting error messages to display on templated stores.


A redirect to the shopping cart is not really something DCC normally does. If this happens, I suspect it's the result of incompatible/conflicting contributions. I'd need more information and a copy of your checkout_confirmation.php to know more.



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alright, i'm not sure what i have wrong here.... i've been trying different things and it's just not working the way it should....


I have installed the contribution and all is great. In the admin area, I set up the coupon module and then created a coupon. When I log into my account, and make an order using that code, it doesn't display on the confirmation page. I have double checked the coding per the installation and all appears to be correct. When I set it up, this is the sort order that I gave everything:


2 - discount coupon

6 - shipping

3 - subtotal

4 - tax

99 - total

5 - members discount


Then, just to see what would happen, I changed the sort order to this, switching the discount coupon and the subtotal:


3 - discount coupon

6 - shipping

2 - subtotal

4 - tax

99 - total

5 - members discount


Then the coupon discount showed up fine, except that they are out of order and a bit confusing to customers. So I played with them for quite some time trying to get it to appear right. This order would be fine if the subtotal would then NOT reflect the discount coupon. I set that in the module, but it didn't work. It then still showed the discount, and applied it AGAIN after the subtotal. So then the discount was applied twice to the order. So I changed that back to reflect the coupon discount.


Then eventually I tried changing it back to the original sort order that I wanted, and all was GREAT!!! So just to make sure, I logged out, signed in again, created a new order to test it, and it's gone again. Now when I change things around again, nothing is happening.


Please if someone could help me figure out what I have or haven't done yet, that would be great!!


My site is www.wootcartoons.com, if you would like to make an account and a test order to see. The coupon code I created is JENNY which should reflect a $20 discount. The site is live, but noone else has that code. It is only for test purposes. I will not treat the order as a real order and it will be deleted if you hapen to follow all of the way through.


Thanks so much for any help in advance!!! THANKS!!!!

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I'm setting up a website for my boss over at www.lovepotions.com. Her existing site has coupon codes and she wants this new site to have it to.


Now, I'm new at this but I've already installed several mods successfully as well as spending every night putting one more chapter away in my PHP book. So I understand the basics here..


To the specific problem: I installed this mod on the latest version of OsCommerce as downloaded a week ago. This was the first thing I tried installing on it, but was unable to access my Admin. (it would show one box on the left, nothing else).


So, I abandoned it and reloaded the site. Since then I've switched SQL databases, everything.


Today, a week later, I tried installing it again. This time I knew more and I was SO precise about following the directions. I mean, check, double check, triple check.. and finally hit paste. Then check it again.


The exact same error. On when loading the /admin directory, I get the box to the left and that's it. (clarification: It does not show me the modules section of the admin or anything below, and there is nothing center-page)


The code is EXACTLY as included in the package, and it *was* installed correctly, I assure you of that!


Any help, guys? :)

Edited by lovepotions
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alright, i'm not sure what i have wrong here.... i've been trying different things and it's just not working the way it should....


I have installed the contribution and all is great. In the admin area, I set up the coupon module and then created a coupon. When I log into my account, and make an order using that code, it doesn't display on the confirmation page. I have double checked the coding per the installation and all appears to be correct. When I set it up, this is the sort order that I gave everything:


2 - discount coupon

6 - shipping

3 - subtotal

4 - tax

99 - total

5 - members discount


Then, just to see what would happen, I changed the sort order to this, switching the discount coupon and the subtotal:


3 - discount coupon

6 - shipping

2 - subtotal

4 - tax

99 - total

5 - members discount


Then the coupon discount showed up fine, except that they are out of order and a bit confusing to customers. So I played with them for quite some time trying to get it to appear right. This order would be fine if the subtotal would then NOT reflect the discount coupon. I set that in the module, but it didn't work. It then still showed the discount, and applied it AGAIN after the subtotal. So then the discount was applied twice to the order. So I changed that back to reflect the coupon discount.


Then eventually I tried changing it back to the original sort order that I wanted, and all was GREAT!!! So just to make sure, I logged out, signed in again, created a new order to test it, and it's gone again. Now when I change things around again, nothing is happening.


Please if someone could help me figure out what I have or haven't done yet, that would be great!!


My site is www.wootcartoons.com, if you would like to make an account and a test order to see. The coupon code I created is JENNY which should reflect a $20 discount. The site is live, but noone else has that code. It is only for test purposes. I will not treat the order as a real order and it will be deleted if you hapen to follow all of the way through.


Thanks so much for any help in advance!!! THANKS!!!!


I tried to install the Discount Coupon Codes 3.31, and I got this error in the admin area of the car under Modules:

Parse error: parse error, unexpected T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING, expecting ')' in /home/myprintp/public_html/shop/catalog/admin/includes/boxes/catalog.php on line 35

I checked the code for this page, and it corresponds with the installation instructions.


This is my first installation. Is there anything I'm missing?


Thank you,


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I tried to install the Discount Coupon Codes 3.31, and I got this error in the admin area of the car under Modules:

Parse error: parse error, unexpected T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING, expecting ')' in /home/myprintp/public_html/shop/catalog/admin/includes/boxes/catalog.php on line 35

I checked the code for this page, and it corresponds with the installation instructions.


This is my first installation. Is there anything I'm missing?


Thank you,




I was able to figure it out.


In the admin/includes/boxes/catalog.php there is a missing dot at the end of the line:

'<a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_PRODUCTS_EXPECTED, '', 'NONSSL') . '" class="menuBoxContentLink">' . BOX_CATALOG_PRODUCTS_EXPECTED . '</a><br>'.


In the admin/includes/boxes/reports.php there is a missing dot at the end of the line:

'<a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_STATS_CUSTOMERS, '', 'NONSSL') . '" class="menuBoxContentLink">' . BOX_REPORTS_ORDERS_TOTAL . '</a><br>'.

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I have a problem with my ISP limiting the size of a file name. When I tryed to upload admin/includes/languages/english/images/buttons/button_manufacturer_exclusions.gif I get the message that the file name is to long.

Where is this defined so I can change the name to the shorter version I was able to upload.




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I have a problem with my ISP limiting the size of a file name. When I tryed to upload admin/includes/languages/english/images/buttons/button_manufacturer_exclusions.gif I get the message that the file name is to long.

Where is this defined so I can change the name to the shorter version I was able to upload.






Never mind I found the reference and fixed it.




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I just installed Discount_coupon_code for my site. It is now giving a crazy number for subtotal. The product is $24.95 the discount is $5.00 the subtotal is comming up as $39.90. When I don't use a discount code it still gives the crazy subtotal of 49.90. THis is for one each of a skin cream.


Has this hapened to anyone else?

Thanks in advance for the help.


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Please pardon my laziness for not wanting to read all 78 pages in this thread. I've read though many of them and read through the manual briefly. Before I install this, I have a big question.

I've been looking for a way to do Gift Certificates for some time. I think CCGV is awkward and not likely to be used by my customers. Also, I've tried installing it with my heavily modded site and ran into serious difficulties with some of my custom work. Maybe it's changed, but I'm against it for now.

I want to use something like Imprint Text Options contrib to create a section of gift certificates that the customer just goes in and buys. They enter fields for the gift (the custom imprint text) like name, email and address of the recipient then just check out as usual. They can add several certificates and even order products for themselves at the same time. I convert their custom product to a coupon (with Discount Coupon Codes) and email it to the recipient.


(Maybe I'm not remembering CCGV correctly, but it seemed much more awkward for the customer with several steps needed to send the gift. Really, any advice on Gift Certificate knowledge would be welcome)


So, first, will this work?


Second, can a customer use only part of a coupon and have a remaining balance on it with this contrib or must they apply the entire code balance at once?

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I am having a very strange problem. My Admin page only loads the header and main left navigation. It will not load the rest of the page. This started after loading this coupon module. The source of any page in admin ends with this:


<!-- localization //-->




<table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">


<td class="menuBoxHeading" onmouseover="this.style.cursor='hand'" onclick="document.location.href='https://www.shoplenak.com/admin/currencies.php?selected_box=localization'"> <a href="https://www.shoplenak.com/admin/currencies.php?selected_box=localization" class="menuBoxHeadingLink">Localization</a> </td>



<table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">





<!-- localization_eof //-->





There is no html after. What did I do??


Thanks much!



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I have installed the discount coupon codes contrib. When I go to checkout, choose shipping option (only one-flat rate) and then click continue I get a white screen. In my apache error log this is what I get.


PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare do_magic_quotes_gpc() (previously declared in store/includes/functions/compatibility.php:18) in store/includes/functions/compatibility.php on line 30, referer: https:/store/checkout_shipping.php


Any ideas of what the problem is? I did not have the problem until I installed the coupon module. I disable it, but still have the problem.

There should not be any problem with the checkout_shipping.php because it is not edited for this module.


I am using the PayPal IPN option, but I don't think that is the problem because we don't get that far into the checkout process.

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