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[Contribution] Discount Coupon Codes


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I have tried numerous times to install ot_discount_coupon_codes_3_34_ES_update. Once the following step is performed I can not login to the admin section. There is no error message, but the user name and password box do not exist. I was able to restore reports.php to the original and it allows the login. I did try to install and the Catalog > Discount Coupons was not there.

OPEN admin/includes/boxes/reports.php


FIND on line 26:


'<a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_STATS_CUSTOMERS, '', 'NONSSL') . '" class="menuBoxContentLink">' . BOX_REPORTS_ORDERS_TOTAL . '</a>');

REPLACE with this code:


//kgt - discount coupons report

'<a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_STATS_CUSTOMERS, '', 'NONSSL') . '" class="menuBoxContentLink">' . BOX_REPORTS_ORDERS_TOTAL . '</a><br>' .

'<a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_STATS_DISCOUNT_COUPONS, '', 'NONSSL') . '" class="menuBoxContentLink">' . BOX_REPORTS_DISCOUNT_COUPONS . '</a>');


'<a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_STATS_CUSTOMERS, '', 'NONSSL') . '" class="menuBoxContentLink">' . BOX_REPORTS_ORDERS_TOTAL . '</a>');


//end kgt - discount coupons report


My original reports.php file is as follows:



$Id: reports.php 1739 2007-12-20 00:52:16Z hpdl $


osCommerce, Open Source E-Commerce Solutions



Copyright © 2002 osCommerce


Released under the GNU General Public License



<!-- reports //-->



$heading = array();

$contents = array();


$heading[] = array('text' => BOX_HEADING_REPORTS,

'link' => tep_href_link(FILENAME_STATS_PRODUCTS_VIEWED, 'selected_box=reports'));


// if ($selected_box == 'reports') {



// Add your old links here start

$contents[] = array('text' => '<a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_STATS_PRODUCTS_VIEWED, '', 'NONSSL') . '" class="menuBoxContentLink">' . BOX_REPORTS_PRODUCTS_VIEWED . '</a>' .

'<a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_STATS_PRODUCTS_PURCHASED, '', 'NONSSL') . '" class="menuBoxContentLink">' . BOX_REPORTS_PRODUCTS_PURCHASED . '</a>' .

'<a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_STATS_CUSTOMERS, '', 'NONSSL') . '" class="menuBoxContentLink">' . BOX_REPORTS_ORDERS_TOTAL . '</a>' . '<a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_STATS_LOW_STOCK, '', 'NONSSL') . '">' . BOX_REPORTS_STOCK_LEVEL . '</a>'




// Add your old links here end

// }


// $box = new box;

// echo $box->menuBox($heading, $contents);



foreach($contents as $value) {

echo $value['text'];




<!-- reports_eof //-->


Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

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hi everyone


i have a problem with this contrib. i like it very much and it works as it should.

i got it installed and configured.


but if a customer enters the code for discount it does not appear on the last page checkout_confirmation.php

if you hit F5 in firefox and resend all data suddenly the discount is calculated correctly and everything is fine.


but it is not the way it should be. maybe a problem with sessions or smth? anyone else encountered the same problem?


what can i do?


osCommerce 2.2-MS2

Discount Coupon Codes 3.34

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The latest release of DCC is written for RC2a. If you are using MS2 then you need to upgrade to RC2a before adding any contributions. Please confirm your OSC version.





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Installed the Discount Coupons contribution http://www.oscommerc...y/contributions,4269


Ok this is what is happening, when coupon is set to unlimited all working fine


BUT when coupon Max use limit is set and the limit has has been used the checkout_paymant page redirects to login page (even if customer is logged in) instead of showing error


please help, any suggestions ?????





Same problem here... already found a solution?

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I have a problem with website payments pro and paypal express.


The coupons work perfectly with direct pay, but paypal express seems to lose the session when it returns to the confirmation page.


It also loses the tax.


This version is


$Id: paypal_express.php 1803 2008-01-11 18:16:37Z hpdl $


osCommerce, Open Source E-Commerce Solutions



Any ideas?

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Hi everyone,


Well I've been having a problem getting Discount Coupons 3.34 to work with PayPal Express for the longest time. It's pretty much the only major technical bug I have left to work out. Of course I've just turned off PayPal Express for now, but actually trying to fix this, I was hoping to move the coupon box from checkout_payment.php to checkout_shipping.php.


But if I simply cut and paste this code from checkout_payment to checkout_shipping:

/* kgt - discount coupons */
       <td><table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">
           <td class="main"><b><?php echo TABLE_HEADING_COUPON; ?></b></td>
       <td><table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2" class="infoBox">
         <tr class="infoBoxContents">
           <td><table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">
               <td class="main"><?php echo ENTRY_DISCOUNT_COUPON.' '.tep_draw_input_field('coupon', '', 'size="32"'); ?></td>
       <td><?php echo tep_draw_separator('pixel_trans.gif', '100%', '10'); ?></td>
/* end kgt - discount coupons */


...the box shows up where I want it to in checkout_shipping.php but the discount isn't applied properly in checkout_confirmation.php. This is when I'm testing it with direct checkout, which has been working all along.


So would anyone know what files need to be modified to move the coupon box from checkout_payment.php to checkout_shipping.php?


It looks like it's been done before in post #3467 here (http://www.oscommerce.com/forums/topic/174981-paypal-wpp-direct-payments-express-checkout-support/page__st__3460__p__1307143__hl__discount%20coupons__fromsearch__1entry1307143), but any direction given here would be a big help.



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Hi I just installed this Contribution but when I wnt to the admin catalog there is no discount coupon listed, the only things that are in there are


Products Attributes




Products Expected


No Discount coupon what do you this I didwrong and how shall I fix it





I am having this same problem. Was there any fix for this?


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Has anyone solved the PayPal-problem? I am willing to tip whoever helps me.


This is what happens when someone checkout:


1. You go to the "Delivery Information" page (checkout_shipping.php), chose your shipping and click continue.

2. You go to the "Payment Information" page (checkout_payment.php), you fill out your coupon code and chose your Payment Method.

2a. If you chose PayPal Express you get redirected to PayPal.com and the coupon code you typed in will not be processed because you are sent away from the webshop.

2b. If you chose Credit Card as your method of payment it takes you to the "Confirmation" page (checkout_confirmation.php), where your discount is applied and you have a new total.


3. When you click "Confirm" you pay the new total, and everything works perfect.


So in some way we need to have it set the new total BEFORE sending the customer on to PayPal.com... I don't think it is that hard to do, but my knowledge is limited.

Here are the two files that I think matters. I would much appreciate if someone could sort this out for us as I know a lot of people are looking for this fix.


Please send me a PM if you think you can figure it out and I will send you the files, if needed.

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I'm seeing the same thing as Ardesjo, but I can add a little more information. You check out as usual, enter the discount coupon code, and go through PayPal Express. When you come back to the store, the coupon is missing. If you then select the "Edit" option next to Payment Method in the Billing Information box, repeat the exact same coupon code as before and select the same payment method, the discount then shows up on the Order Confirmation page.


The same is true if you empty the cart and go around again *without* exiting from the browser - make the same selection, use the same coupon and payment method, see the discount show up.


The same is also true if you select the "Check/Money Order" payment method instead of PayPal Express.


This suggests to me that it may be an initialization problem somewhere - perhaps something to do with session variables?? It seems like the discount only fails to show on the first purchase after going to the store. Subsequent purchases work OK.

Edited by dontremember
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Installed the Discount Coupons contribution http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contributions,4269 (I like it a lot)


The problem I am having is if someone enters the "Coupon Code:" wrong the it takes them right out of the checkout area and redirects to login page (even if customer is logged in) and then it will not let you login until you click on a product and start again and then you can login.


It does not matter what payment option you select and if you hit the back button and enter the right "Coupon Code:" it still takes you back to the login page that you can not login to! however if you hit the back button and do not put in any "Coupon Code:" it lets you complete the order!


Please help, any suggestions?


Best Regards

Danny from New Zealand

Danny de Hek

Managing Director


New Zealand's Information Network



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Something very very very strange with coupons:


When a customer adds a free (discount price 0.00 EUR) to his cart as the first product and after that

he adds another product with a price above 100 EUR to his cart, then... the following happens when he

uses a fixed amount coupon code.

In checkout confirmation the discount applied is about 100 EUR more than the initial discount coupon amount.

For example: if the disount was 5.00 EUR, then the customer sees a discount applied of 104.94 EUR!!!


This ONLY happens when the first product added to the cart has a price of 0 EUR. Has anyone an idea how to solve that strange problem?





exclude the 0.00 EUR products from coupon - then it works




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Installed the Discount Coupons contribution http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contributions,4269 (I like it a lot)


The problem I am having is if someone enters the "Coupon Code:" wrong the it takes them right out of the checkout area and redirects to login page (even if customer is logged in) and then it will not let you login until you click on a product and start again and then you can login.


It does not matter what payment option you select and if you hit the back button and enter the right "Coupon Code:" it still takes you back to the login page that you can not login to! however if you hit the back button and do not put in any "Coupon Code:" it lets you complete the order!


Please help, any suggestions?


Best Regards

Danny from New Zealand






Check the installation again, especially the checkout_payment.php file. I would guess that the code edit was placed wrong.




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I have installed Discount Coupon Codes and it works fine.


BUT When I create a new coupon and set a minimum limit on Price Total, (for exampel 400) there is still no limit on the order.


A customer may add a product with value 134 with the result that I have to pay the customer 244.


Below is the admin window (in swedish) and after that the checkout confirmation page:












Hope someone can help me, please.

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I just installed this module over a fresh installation of OSCommerce and it's not applying the discount.


As far as I can tell everything else is working. The tables are in the database. I can create new coupons in the admin section. And when I go to check out if I put in a coupon code that doesn't exist I get the error that I've put in an invalid coupon. But when I put in the real coupon code it just goes to the checkout screen with the full price.


Any ideas?




I'm having the exact same problem but I don't see a solution??

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I have tried searching the forums and have seen that people are having the same issue, I know that they have resolved it because they have moved on to different issues that would only result if they resolved it. I am new to OS Commerce and php. I know html and css, but I need help badly here.


My Issue: I installed everything, followed the directions perfectly, checked 4 times everything. I can even create coupons but when you checkout, there is nowhere to enter the discount code. I am assuming that the reason is because in the directions, it asks you to go to Modules > Order Total > Discount Coupons, but there is no Discount Coupons option in the Order Total area.


Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.


Thanks in Advance,



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I noticed alot of ppl having same issue like mine.


i have installed Discount Coupon 3.33 and using Paypal Standard, Everything working fine EXCEPT for PayPal. Once coupon is entered it is calculation the discount and showing the discount correctly in the confirmation page, BUT once you continue to paypal to make payment it shows the original amt and not the discounted amount. The discount is not being passed to Paypal Standard. PLEASE HELP have been stuck with this and searched many many places but no solution.



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Could anyone please help me? I'v succesfully installed this contri in two webshops. One has been working great from the start on, but the other one is giving me trouble. When people go to the checkout_shipping page, they get an error message, about the shippingcosts being changed. (that's a piece of the languagefile language.php, in my case dutch.php: ENTRY_DISCOUNT_COUPON_SHIPPING_CALC_ERROR'). It seems to appear randomly, because when I test it now I don't see it, but other customers have seen it and weren't able to continue checking out because the error blocked it. Nothing in any file has changed after installing the contribution: no products have been editted, no shipping costs have change etc.


They did not use a coupon code: they didn't even get to the page where the coupon code is asked!


I've searched a lot but I can't find any solution, could anyone please help me out? Thanks a bunch!

Edited by zoeperzazke
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This is set in the updates to catalog/checkout_payment.php page.


I have tried searching the forums and have seen that people are having the same issue, I know that they have resolved it because they have moved on to different issues that would only result if they resolved it. I am new to OS Commerce and php. I know html and css, but I need help badly here.


My Issue: I installed everything, followed the directions perfectly, checked 4 times everything. I can even create coupons but when you checkout, there is nowhere to enter the discount code. I am assuming that the reason is because in the directions, it asks you to go to Modules > Order Total > Discount Coupons, but there is no Discount Coupons option in the Order Total area.


Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.


Thanks in Advance,




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Installed the Discount Coupons contribution http://www.oscommerc...y/contributions,4269 (I like it a lot)


The problem I am having is if someone enters the "Coupon Code:" wrong the it takes them right out of the checkout area and redirects to login page (even if customer is logged in) and then it will not let you login until you click on a product and start again and then you can login.


It does not matter what payment option you select and if you hit the back button and enter the right "Coupon Code:" it still takes you back to the login page that you can not login to! however if you hit the back button and do not put in any "Coupon Code:" it lets you complete the order!


Please help, any suggestions?


Best Regards

Danny from New Zealand


I still am having this problem even after checking the install files, anyone else help any help for this Kiwi?

Danny de Hek

Managing Director


New Zealand's Information Network



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Installed the Discount Coupons contribution http://www.oscommerc...y/contributions,4269


Ok this is what is happening, when coupon is set to unlimited all working fine


BUT when coupon Max use limit is set and the limit has has been used the checkout_paymant page redirects to login page (even if customer is logged in) instead of showing error


please help, any suggestions ?????




I am having the same issue, have you been able to resolve this?

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I'm seeing a lot of questions and not too many answers. Mine is that whether or not the customer enters a coupon, it always skips Paypal and goes straight to the Confirmation page. Has anyone seen this happen before and have a fix for it? Thanks.

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exclude the 0.00 EUR products from coupon - then it works





Hi -


Not a true "fix", but a reasonable "work-a-round" -

In the admin panel set your discount coupons to ignore specials (marked product discounted pricing indicated w/ strike-thru in price).


Adjust your special (free / 0.00) priced products accordingly and then it won't matter the order the items were selected by the customer, and the discount coupon will calculate correctly on the checkout confirmation page.


FX Designer

Edited by fxdesigner
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