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[Contribution] Discount Coupon Codes


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Shipping Discount as free not working. Am I the only one having this issue?


I place a specific group of products in the discount for free shipping. However, if someone adds a product that is not suppose to have free shipping ends up being free too.


It should be showing the free shipping for the discount coded item and then charge shipping for the other item that is not under the discount code.

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Issue with new installation of Discount Coupon Codes on a client's site, please help.



Hi, I just installed Discount Coupon Codes (ot_discount_coupon_codes_3_34) however when I went to my admin I get a 404 Page Not Found error. I can't get into my admin.


The rest of the cart is up and working (from what I can tell) but I can't get into my admin. Please help.


I followed the directions in the ReadMe file (except one, I didn't back up my files, just my database. Yes, you can beat on me now). Not sure what happened. I did not manually edit the pages, I used the ones in the download.


I notice that there is a installer.sql file in the zip however no where in the directions does it mention this file or what to do with it.


Please help before client shoots me.


Any suggestions or advice will be greatly appreciated.



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A follow-up to my post above.


I have followed the uninstall proceedures and edited all my changed .php files and deleted all the new .php


I'm still getting the 404 error when I go to http://www.xxxx.com/store/admin


Any suggestions?


Thank you,





i had the same problem - turns out the some of admin include files dont have all the same constants they should have

in this case i found in /admin/include/filenames.php was missing some parameters so took an original file and copied the relevant constants from the contribution same file

then reuploaded and it worked


think the best thing to do is check filenames.php and database_tables.php and make sure they have all the constants

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Calculation problems.. hopefully someone can help...


to start with this only happens with weird combination's of products or with specific products i have no idea how or why.


basically it happens with both fixed and percentage discounts, here is an example:


2 x HP CB435A HP35A Laser Toner Cartridge CAD$90.00

1 x Shipping / Livraison CAD$7.95

1 x CANON CLI8 INK / INKJET Cartridge Set Black x2 Cyan Yellow Magenta (With Chip) CAD$31.95

2 x Promo Bags / Sacs Promo CAD$0.00

2 x BROTHER TN350 Laser Toner Cartridge CAD$83.90

1 x BROTHER TN360 Laser Toner Cartridge High Yield CAD$45.00


Discount Coupon Refer applied: -CAD$171.39

Sub-Total: CAD$87.41

TPS / GST (857422364): CAD$4.37

TVQ / PST (1212171456): CAD$6.88

Total: CAD$98.66



the coupon was supposed to be for $20.00, and somehow came to $171.39, it works fine on some orders and others just don't work at all, has anyone had this problem or does anyone have any idea what might be causing this error?


here is the debugging part from the source:


<!-- Discount Coupons DEBUG

order Object


[info] => Array


[order_status] => 2

[currency] => CAD

[currency_value] => 1.00000000

[payment_method] => myvm

[cc_type] =>

[cc_owner] => Credit Card Owner Name

[cc_number] =>

[cc_expires] => 0110

[cvvnumber] =>

[purchase_order_number] =>

[customer_credit_left] =>

[customer_credit_amount] =>

[shipping_cost] => 0.00

[subtotal] => 87.413678516229

[tax] => 11.254511108964

[tax_groups] => Array


[TPS / GST (857422364) + TVQ / PST (1212171456)] => 11.254511108964



[comments] =>

[total] => 98.668189625193



[totals] => Array




[products] => Array


[0] => Array


[qty] => 2

[name] => HP Laserjet P1002 P1003 P1004 P1005 P1006 P1009

[model] => HP CB435A HP35A Laser Toner Cartridge

[title] => CB435A

[tax] => 12.875

[tax_description] => TPS / GST (857422364) + TVQ / PST (1212171456)

[price] => 45.0000

[cost] => 0.0000

[cost2] => 0.0000

[cost3] => 0.0000

[cost4] => 0.0000

[cost5] => 0.0000

[cost6] => 0.0000

[final_price] => 45

[weight] => 100.00

[id] => 3683



[1] => Array


[qty] => 1

[name] => Shipping / Livraison

[model] => Shipping / Livraison

[title] => Shipping / Livraison

[tax] => 12.875

[tax_description] => TPS / GST (857422364) + TVQ / PST (1212171456)

[price] => 7.9500

[cost] => 0.0000

[cost2] => 0.0000

[cost3] => 0.0000

[cost4] => 0.0000

[cost5] => 0.0000

[cost6] => 0.0000

[final_price] => 7.95

[weight] => 999.99

[id] => 9125



[2] => Array


[qty] => 1

[name] => Canon PIXMA IP3300 IP3500 IP4200 IP4300 IP4500 IP5200 IP5200R IP6600D IP6700D MP500 MP510 MP520 MP530 MP600 MP610 MP800 PIXMA MP810 MP830 MP950 MP960 MP970 MX700 MX850 Pro9000

[model] => CANON CLI8 INK / INKJET Cartridge Set Black x2 Cyan Yellow Magenta (With Chip)

[title] => CLI8 / PGI5 Set Chip

[tax] => 12.875

[tax_description] => TPS / GST (857422364) + TVQ / PST (1212171456)

[price] => 31.9500

[cost] => 0.0000

[cost2] => 0.0000

[cost3] => 0.0000

[cost4] => 0.0000

[cost5] => 0.0000

[cost6] => 0.0000

[final_price] => 31.95

[weight] => 1.00

[id] => 5706



[3] => Array


[qty] => 2

[name] => Promo Bags / Sacs Promo

[model] => Promo Bags / Sacs Promo

[title] => Promo Bags / Sacs Promo

[tax] => 12.875

[tax_description] => TPS / GST (857422364) + TVQ / PST (1212171456)

[price] => 0.0000

[cost] => 0.0000

[cost2] => 0.0000

[cost3] => 0.0000

[cost4] => 0.0000

[cost5] => 0.0000

[cost6] => 0.0000

[final_price] => 0

[weight] => 0.00

[id] => 9126



[4] => Array


[qty] => 2

[name] => Brother HL 2040 2070N 2030 MFC 7420 7820N 7220 7225N DCP 7020 Intellifax 2820 2920 2910

[model] => BROTHER TN350 Laser Toner Cartridge

[title] => TN350

[tax] => 12.875

[tax_description] => TPS / GST (857422364) + TVQ / PST (1212171456)

[price] => 41.9500

[cost] => 0.0000

[cost2] => 0.0000

[cost3] => 0.0000

[cost4] => 0.0000

[cost5] => 0.0000

[cost6] => 0.0000

[final_price] => 41.95

[weight] => 100.00

[id] => 3542



[5] => Array


[qty] => 1

[name] => Brother HL 2140 2170W MFC 7440N 7840W 7320 7340 DCP 7040 7030

[model] => BROTHER TN360 Laser Toner Cartridge High Yield

[title] => TN360

[tax] => 12.875

[tax_description] => TPS / GST (857422364) + TVQ / PST (1212171456)

[price] => 45.0000

[cost] => 0.0000

[cost2] => 0.0000

[cost3] => 0.0000

[cost4] => 0.0000

[cost5] => 0.0000

[cost6] => 0.0000

[final_price] => 45

[weight] => 100.00

[id] => 3744





[customer] => Array


[firstname] => Firstname

[lastname] => Lastname

[company] =>

[street_address] => 123 Fake St.

[suburb] =>

[city] => City

[postcode] => H1H 1H1

[state] => QC

[zone_id] => 76

[country] => Array


[id] => 38

[title] => Canada

[iso_code_2] => CA

[iso_code_3] => CAN



[format_id] => 1

[telephone] => 555-555-5555

[workphone] =>

[email_address] => [email protected]



[delivery] => Array


[firstname] => Firstname

[lastname] => Lastname

[company] => Company

[street_address] => 123 fake street

[suburb] =>

[city] => City

[postcode] => H1H 1H1

[state] => QC

[zone_id] => 76

[country] => Array


[id] => 38

[title] => Canada

[iso_code_2] => CA

[iso_code_3] => CAN



[country_id] => 38

[format_id] => 1



[content_type] => physical

[billing] => Array


[firstname] => Firstname

[lastname] => Lastname

[company] =>

[street_address] => 123 fake street

[suburb] =>

[city] => City

[postcode] => H1H 1H1

[state] => QC

[zone_id] => 76

[country] => Array


[id] => 38

[title] => Canada

[iso_code_2] => CA

[iso_code_3] => CAN



[country_id] => 38

[format_id] => 1



[coupon] => discount_coupon Object


[messages] => Array


[debug] => Array

















[14] => INFO: Percentage of discount applied to product 3683: 0.077279752704791.

[15] => INFO: Fixed discount applied to product 3683: 44.922720247295.

[16] => INFO: Product 3683 passed exclusion check. Discount 44.922720247295 applied. (fixed)

[17] => INFO: Discount of 44.922720247295 applied to product 3683 ($90).

[18] => INFO: Calculating tax on 45.077279752705. Displayed price 45.077279752705.

[19] => INFO: Percentage of discount applied to product 9125: 0.077279752704791.

[20] => INFO: Fixed discount applied to product 9125: 7.8727202472952.

[21] => INFO: Product 9125 passed exclusion check. Discount 7.8727202472952 applied. (fixed)

[22] => INFO: Discount of 7.8727202472952 applied to product 9125 ($7.95).

[23] => INFO: Calculating tax on 0.077279752704792. Displayed price 0.077279752704792.

[24] => INFO: Percentage of discount applied to product 5706: 0.077279752704791.

[25] => INFO: Fixed discount applied to product 5706: 31.872720247295.

[26] => INFO: Product 5706 passed exclusion check. Discount 31.872720247295 applied. (fixed)

[27] => INFO: Discount of 31.872720247295 applied to product 5706 ($31.95).

[28] => INFO: Calculating tax on 0.07727975270479. Displayed price 0.07727975270479.

[29] => INFO: Percentage of discount applied to product 9126: 0.077279752704791.

[30] => INFO: Fixed discount applied to product 9126: -0.077279752704791.

[31] => INFO: Product 9126 passed exclusion check. Discount -0.077279752704791 applied. (fixed)

[32] => INFO: Discount of -0.077279752704791 applied to product 9126 ($0).

[33] => INFO: Calculating tax on 0.077279752704791. Displayed price 0.077279752704791.

[34] => INFO: Percentage of discount applied to product 3542: 0.077279752704791.

[35] => INFO: Fixed discount applied to product 3542: 41.872720247295.

[36] => INFO: Product 3542 passed exclusion check. Discount 41.872720247295 applied. (fixed)

[37] => INFO: Discount of 41.872720247295 applied to product 3542 ($83.9).

[38] => INFO: Calculating tax on 42.027279752705. Displayed price 42.027279752705.

[39] => INFO: Percentage of discount applied to product 3744: 0.077279752704791.

[40] => INFO: Fixed discount applied to product 3744: 44.922720247295.

[41] => INFO: Product 3744 passed exclusion check. Discount 44.922720247295 applied. (fixed)

[42] => INFO: Discount of 44.922720247295 applied to product 3744 ($45).

[43] => INFO: Calculating tax on 0.07727975270479. Displayed price 0.07727975270479.





[coupon] => Array


[coupons_id] => Refer

[coupons_description] => Refer

[coupons_discount_amount] => 20.00

[coupons_discount_type] => fixed

[coupons_date_start] => 2008-05-13 00:00:00

[coupons_date_end] => 2011-03-01 00:00:00

[coupons_max_use] => 3

[coupons_min_order] => 75.0000

[coupons_min_order_type] => price

[coupons_number_available] => 0



[applied_discount] => Array


[TPS / GST (857422364) + TVQ / PST (1212171456)] => 171.38632148377



[cart_info] => Array


[valid_products] => Array


[count] => 9

[line_items] => 6

[total] => 258.8



[total_products] => Array


[count] => 9

[line_items] => 6

[total] => 258.8



[exclusions] => Array


[categories] => Array




[products] => Array




[manufacturers] => Array








[discount_tax] => Array


[TPS / GST (857422364) + TVQ / PST (1212171456)] => 0







End Discount Coupons DEBUG-->



it seems like it knows the coupon amount should be $20 yet it makes up all these odd calculations... any help would be much appreciated cause i've hit a wall with this one.



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i had the same problem - turns out the some of admin include files dont have all the same constants they should have

in this case i found in /admin/include/filenames.php was missing some parameters so took an original file and copied the relevant constants from the contribution same file

then reuploaded and it worked


think the best thing to do is check filenames.php and database_tables.php and make sure they have all the constants


Thank you dudleyit!


I will try replacing those two files and let you know if I was successful.


Thank you very much for the quick help.



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I just installed this module, "ot_discount_coupon_codes_3_34_FR", it works fine, it is a great module.


I think it can be even better if the wrong discount code enter on Checkout_Payment module should be verified and pop up an error message so the customers know that they had entered the wrong codes.


Anyone know how do do this?




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I just installed this module, "ot_discount_coupon_codes_3_34_FR", it works fine, it is a great module.


I think it can be even better if the wrong discount code enter on Checkout_Payment module should be verified and pop up an error message so the customers know that they had entered the wrong codes.


Anyone know how do do this?





That would be a great idea but this mod doesn't appear to be supported anymore. If you find someone to update this, would love to hear back....

This mod has some inconsistancies as well. It does not have a way to save the left over money to the customer if they do not use the entire

gift amount. I have been told that it works good for discounts only.

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I am using this contribution, which is really good by the way!


I have one problem though. I have installed everything perfectly, and when you go to checkout it displays the discount, but it doesn't GIVE the discount.. What I mean is, it calculates how much of a discount it SHOULD give, but the order total still remains the same as if the discount weren't applied.



Anyone know a fix for this?

Edited by Ex0r
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Usually this means you don't have one of the files uploaded. Review the code in catalog/checkout_confirmation.php around line 73 to see what it is calling, chances are it's a file called discount_coupon in the catalog/includes/classes folder


Hi there,


I installed the coupon module several years ago, tested it and it worked fine, but I have not used it for some time. I just tried to use it again and when I enter the coupon code in the checkout and click next I get a blank white page with:


Fatal error: Cannot instantiate non-existent class: discount_coupon in /home/tpage2/public_html/catalog/checkout_confirmation.php on line 73


Any ideas on what this could be?





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For some reason it seems to be applying both a percentage and a fixed discount - see these lines:


[14] => INFO: Percentage of discount applied to product 3683: 0.077279752704791.
[15] => INFO: Fixed discount applied to product 3683: 44.922720247295.
[16] => INFO: Product 3683 passed exclusion check. Discount 44.922720247295 applied. (fixed)
[17] => INFO: Discount of 44.922720247295 applied to product 3683 ($90).
[18] => INFO: Calculating tax on 45.077279752705. Displayed price 45.077279752705.
[19] => INFO: Percentage of discount applied to product 9125: 0.077279752704791.
[20] => INFO: Fixed discount applied to product 9125: 7.8727202472952.
[21] => INFO: Product 9125 passed exclusion check. Discount 7.8727202472952 applied. (fixed)
[22] => INFO: Discount of 7.8727202472952 applied to product 9125 ($7.95).
[23] => INFO: Calculating tax on 0.077279752704792. Displayed price 0.077279752704792.
[24] => INFO: Percentage of discount applied to product 5706: 0.077279752704791.
[25] => INFO: Fixed discount applied to product 5706: 31.872720247295.


I would do a file comparison on your files and the one's in the contribution in case it's just a misplaced or forgotten character somewhere. If that's all the same then I'd compare your files with a prior or later version than the one you downloaded. See if you find a difference in the calculations that way.


Calculation problems.. hopefully someone can help...


to start with this only happens with weird combination's of products or with specific products i have no idea how or why.


basically it happens with both fixed and percentage discounts, here is an example:


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It does use the built in error handling to return the customer to one of the checkout pages with a message stating that the code they entered is not valid (or whatever you set the error message to say in your language files).



I just installed this module, "ot_discount_coupon_codes_3_34_FR", it works fine, it is a great module.


I think it can be even better if the wrong discount code enter on Checkout_Payment module should be verified and pop up an error message so the customers know that they had entered the wrong codes.


Anyone know how do do this?





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Right - this module was designed for "coupons" - in order to have a value left over to be used later you would need to use a module designed for "gift certificates" ;)


That would be a great idea but this mod doesn't appear to be supported anymore. If you find someone to update this, would love to hear back....

This mod has some inconsistancies as well. It does not have a way to save the left over money to the customer if they do not use the entire

gift amount. I have been told that it works good for discounts only.


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File comparison is always the first place to start. You can use tools to help with this - there is a free one called WinMerge that I use. Typically, it's just a missed or misplaced bit of code or character in one of the files. It may be on checkout_confirmation.php - but if not, look at what DCC files are being called as includes on that page and use a comparison on those - if there's no difference there, then look for the files included on those pages - etc... until you have backtracked to the error.


If your results end up being that your files are the same as your install files, then I would check an older or a newer version of DCC and see if there is a difference there that might cause the issue.


I am using this contribution, which is really good by the way!


I have one problem though. I have installed everything perfectly, and when you go to checkout it displays the discount, but it doesn't GIVE the discount.. What I mean is, it calculates how much of a discount it SHOULD give, but the order total still remains the same as if the discount weren't applied.



Anyone know a fix for this?


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For some reason it seems to be applying both a percentage and a fixed discount - see these lines:


[14] => INFO: Percentage of discount applied to product 3683: 0.077279752704791.
[15] => INFO: Fixed discount applied to product 3683: 44.922720247295.
[16] => INFO: Product 3683 passed exclusion check. Discount 44.922720247295 applied. (fixed)
[17] => INFO: Discount of 44.922720247295 applied to product 3683 ($90).
[18] => INFO: Calculating tax on 45.077279752705. Displayed price 45.077279752705.
[19] => INFO: Percentage of discount applied to product 9125: 0.077279752704791.
[20] => INFO: Fixed discount applied to product 9125: 7.8727202472952.
[21] => INFO: Product 9125 passed exclusion check. Discount 7.8727202472952 applied. (fixed)
[22] => INFO: Discount of 7.8727202472952 applied to product 9125 ($7.95).
[23] => INFO: Calculating tax on 0.077279752704792. Displayed price 0.077279752704792.
[24] => INFO: Percentage of discount applied to product 5706: 0.077279752704791.
[25] => INFO: Fixed discount applied to product 5706: 31.872720247295.


I would do a file comparison on your files and the one's in the contribution in case it's just a misplaced or forgotten character somewhere. If that's all the same then I'd compare your files with a prior or later version than the one you downloaded. See if you find a difference in the calculations that way.


Hi Tracy, thanks for the reply...


I have actually tried replacing the coupon files with older ones, newer ones with no luck, because the error has to be in there somewhere, i just cant seem to find it, but i do agree, like why is it applying a percentage when it should just be applying a FLAT $20 in this particular instance.

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Have you double checked your checkout_*.php pages? I'm wondering if it's something there maybe?


Hi Tracy, thanks for the reply...


I have actually tried replacing the coupon files with older ones, newer ones with no luck, because the error has to be in there somewhere, i just cant seem to find it, but i do agree, like why is it applying a percentage when it should just be applying a FLAT $20 in this particular instance.


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File comparison is always the first place to start. You can use tools to help with this - there is a free one called WinMerge that I use. Typically, it's just a missed or misplaced bit of code or character in one of the files. It may be on checkout_confirmation.php - but if not, look at what DCC files are being called as includes on that page and use a comparison on those - if there's no difference there, then look for the files included on those pages - etc... until you have backtracked to the error.


If your results end up being that your files are the same as your install files, then I would check an older or a newer version of DCC and see if there is a difference there that might cause the issue.


I checked all the files, and they are the same. The system is displaying the coupon code in the checkout confirmation page, it's just not calculating it into the total. It shows how much the discount is 'Discount code [VIDEXP] applied - -$24.00 but the total still stays the same.

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I checked all the files, and they are the same. The system is displaying the coupon code in the checkout confirmation page, it's just not calculating it into the total. It shows how much the discount is 'Discount code [VIDEXP] applied - -$24.00 but the total still stays the same.


I just did some trouble shooting, and found out that the only way it DOESNT work is when you do not include the code into the sub total. If you leave it out the TOTAL does not change, only when you combine it with the sub total.

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File comparison is always the first place to start. You can use tools to help with this - there is a free one called WinMerge that I use. Typically, it's just a missed or misplaced bit of code or character in one of the files. It may be on checkout_confirmation.php - but if not, look at what DCC files are being called as includes on that page and use a comparison on those - if there's no difference there, then look for the files included on those pages - etc... until you have backtracked to the error.


If your results end up being that your files are the same as your install files, then I would check an older or a newer version of DCC and see if there is a difference there that might cause the issue.


ANother good way is to replace with a clean file and redo the mod(s) merge.

Sometimes it's best to start with fresh then to get lost in the code. Just make sure to



Not just you data files but your database as well.... Ya just never know!

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It does use the built in error handling to return the customer to one of the checkout pages with a message stating that the code they entered is not valid (or whatever you set the error message to say in your language files).



Thank you for your comment, the current error codes shows on the url, most customers may not look at the url, if we put some codes in checkout_payment to check the validation and pop up a message would be ideal.


Any idea how it could be done?


Thank you




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Common problem but as always difficult solution:


I have been using Discount Coupons with great success for about a year. All of a sudden, one day it worked, and the next day it stopped working. I'll put a valid Coupon Code in, and the discount never applies.


I tried everything common sense - added a new coupon, tried different logins, erased all coupons and created a new one with no exclusions. I looked at the database and things seem fine. Just doesn't come up.


Anything I should try? Better yet, I'm not very good at checking the debugging code. I switch on DEBUG in the module, but what does that mean? I've seen debugging results from people on this thread, how do I get it to come up?

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Common problem but as always difficult solution:


I have been using Discount Coupons with great success for about a year. All of a sudden, one day it worked, and the next day it stopped working. I'll put a valid Coupon Code in, and the discount never applies.


I tried everything common sense - added a new coupon, tried different logins, erased all coupons and created a new one with no exclusions. I looked at the database and things seem fine. Just doesn't come up.


Anything I should try? Better yet, I'm not very good at checking the debugging code. I switch on DEBUG in the module, but what does that mean? I've seen debugging results from people on this thread, how do I get it to come up?



Had same unexplained problem and ended up replacing checkou_process.php, checkout_confirmation.php and it came back.

To this day, I have no clue why it happened but it appears that many are experiencing this issue.


By the way, when I replaced the files with fresh, I also re-merged all my mods. Just thought I would put this reminder...


Good luck

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If they are only showing up in the URL then they aren't setup properly for your site. They should show up on the actual page itself, like an error with your credit card for example.


Here is what Kirstin had in one of the older DCC downloads regarding error codes not showing:


# The payment page refreshes when I enter a coupon, but nothing shows. The URL looks like: checkout_payment.php?error_message=Some+error+message+here.

No error message displays on the payment page because you're using a template and for some reason template makers like to disregard the standard osCommerce code that handles and displays the messages. To get error messages to display on the payment page:


OPEN checkout_payment.php


FIND around line 148:

 if (isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['payment_error']) && is_object(${$HTTP_GET_VARS['payment_error']}) && ($error = ${$HTTP_GET_VARS['payment_error']}->get_error())) {
       <td><table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">
           <td class="main"><b><?php echo tep_output_string_protected($error['title']); ?></b></td>
       <td><table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2" class="infoBoxNotice">
         <tr class="infoBoxNoticeContents">
           <td><table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">
               <td><?php echo tep_draw_separator('pixel_trans.gif', '10', '1'); ?></td>
               <td class="main" width="100%" valign="top"><?php echo tep_output_string_protected($error['error']); ?></td>
               <td><?php echo tep_draw_separator('pixel_trans.gif', '10', '1'); ?></td>
       <td><?php echo tep_draw_separator('pixel_trans.gif', '100%', '10'); ?></td>

ADD this code before:

 if (isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['error_message']) && tep_not_null($HTTP_GET_VARS['error_message'])) {
<table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">
 <tr class="headerError">
   <td class="headerError"><?php echo htmlspecialchars(urldecode($HTTP_GET_VARS['error_message'])); ?></td>




Thank you for your comment, the current error codes shows on the url, most customers may not look at the url, if we put some codes in checkout_payment to check the validation and pop up a message would be ideal.


Any idea how it could be done?


Thank you





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Hmmm- I guess it's possible the files simply corrupted on the server and needed a re-upload? Sometimes that happens, especially if you aren't always making sure you're uploading in ASCII instead of Binary when you're uploading php files.


Had same unexplained problem and ended up replacing checkou_process.php, checkout_confirmation.php and it came back.

To this day, I have no clue why it happened but it appears that many are experiencing this issue.


By the way, when I replaced the files with fresh, I also re-merged all my mods. Just thought I would put this reminder...


Good luck


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