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Order Editor for MVS

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This is the support thread for Order Editor for MVS.


The contribution will be available shortly; I wanted to have the URL for this thread in the package.

Do, or do not. There is no try.


Order Editor 5.0.6 "Ultra Violet" is now available!

For support or to post comments, suggestions, etc, please visit the Order Editor support thread.

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The contribution can be downloaded at:




The original, v1.0, was designed around MVS v1.1, however it should work with RC4 and higher, at least, if not previous versions as well.

Do, or do not. There is no try.


Order Editor 5.0.6 "Ultra Violet" is now available!

For support or to post comments, suggestions, etc, please visit the Order Editor support thread.

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If you're wondering which Multi Vendor Shipping contribution this was designed to work with, it is this one:



that having been previously known as this one:


Do, or do not. There is no try.


Order Editor 5.0.6 "Ultra Violet" is now available!

For support or to post comments, suggestions, etc, please visit the Order Editor support thread.

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Thank you! I was just about try and merge an order editor with mvs. So now you have saved me days! Thanks so much!

I'll let you know how the installation goes for me.



Brooklyn, New York USA

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thank you Very much for this contributin, it's really great contribution.

But I have a little Problem here. I want my Vendor could edit the order for their Product Directly by themself. How could i do to make my Vendor can access the Order Editor For their Product?


Thank for Your Help.



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Thanks for the contribution!


In mvs order edit 1.1, for both mvs and non-mvs orders, my order edit page is showing overall shipping as 10x the value it should be - eg in edit_orders it shows with the product correctly as $7.50 but in the overall combined shipping field it is showing as $75.00 (and it's value is 75 in the calculations). Any pointers to the right area of the code to look at would be gratefully received.



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Thank you Very much for this contributin, it's really great contribution.

But I have a little Problem here. I want my Vendor could edit the order for their Product Directly by themself. How could i do to make my Vendor can access the Order Editor For their Product?


Thank for Your Help.




That's a neat idea. It would require some custom coding. Is it already possible for your vendors to log in to the shop admin and only see certain data?

Do, or do not. There is no try.


Order Editor 5.0.6 "Ultra Violet" is now available!

For support or to post comments, suggestions, etc, please visit the Order Editor support thread.

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Thanks for the contribution!


In mvs order edit 1.1, for both mvs and non-mvs orders, my order edit page is showing overall shipping as 10x the value it should be - eg in edit_orders it shows with the product correctly as $7.50 but in the overall combined shipping field it is showing as $75.00 (and it's value is 75 in the calculations). Any pointers to the right area of the code to look at would be gratefully received.




if ((action == 'shipping') && (pid =='vendors_ship_cost_')) {
 sum += Number(el[i].value);


is part of the JavaScript function updateTotals and is the code that sums up the various shipping charges.


var shippingTotal = updateTotals('shipping');
 document.getElementById("ot_shipping").value = doFormat(shippingTotal, 4);


appears twice in the JavaScript. When called this code will take the number generated by the first section of code shown, format it, and display it in the shipping value field. Multiplying by ten isn't part of the equation.


Is anything else not working properly? Are you getting any JavaScript errors? Does this happen before of after you do any typing in any of the boxes?

Do, or do not. There is no try.


Order Editor 5.0.6 "Ultra Violet" is now available!

For support or to post comments, suggestions, etc, please visit the Order Editor support thread.

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if ((action == 'shipping') && (pid =='vendors_ship_cost_')) {
 sum += Number(el[i].value);


is part of the JavaScript function updateTotals and is the code that sums up the various shipping charges.


var shippingTotal = updateTotals('shipping');
 document.getElementById("ot_shipping").value = doFormat(shippingTotal, 4);


appears twice in the JavaScript. When called this code will take the number generated by the first section of code shown, format it, and display it in the shipping value field. Multiplying by ten isn't part of the equation.


Is anything else not working properly? Are you getting any JavaScript errors? Does this happen before of after you do any typing in any of the boxes?




I'm not getting any javascript errors. On investigating further I've noticed that the value is incorrect when the edit_orders page loads - however changing a vendors base price for shipping causes the code you've identified to be called and the values are then updated correctly. So it appears to be the initialisation of the field values that's causing my problem. Again, if you can point me in the right direction I'd be grateful. In the meantime I'll look at my code further and see if I can spot what I've done wrong.

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I'm not getting any javascript errors. On investigating further I've noticed that the value is incorrect when the edit_orders page loads - however changing a vendors base price for shipping causes the code you've identified to be called and the values are then updated correctly. So it appears to be the initialisation of the field values that's causing my problem. Again, if you can point me in the right direction I'd be grateful. In the meantime I'll look at my code further and see if I can spot what I've done wrong.


:blush: ahem, well I located the problem to a stupid typo in the ot_shipping module which was storing the wrong value in the orders total table. Problem solved now!


Thanks for the help.

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:blush: ahem, well I located the problem to a stupid typo in the ot_shipping module which was storing the wrong value in the orders total table. Problem solved now!


Thanks for the help.


No problem- glad to hear you got it fixed.

Do, or do not. There is no try.


Order Editor 5.0.6 "Ultra Violet" is now available!

For support or to post comments, suggestions, etc, please visit the Order Editor support thread.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I wonder if someone can help me root out what I've done wrong? I've just updated to Order Editor for MVS v 1.1 and now I notice something that may or may have not been wrong with my installation before:


When in the Edit Order View under 3. Ordered Products I get:







The data shows up but the column headers are just out of whack. At this point I got a heavily modified version and I'm not sure where to look!


Otherwise, I really love this Mod and hope to get it into real use in live stores soon.




Edited by gotham


Brooklyn, New York USA

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When in the Edit Order View under 3. Ordered Products I get:







The language definition file is admin/includes/languages/english/edit_orders.php.


If you don't have them in this file already the definitions unique to MVS are

//MVS Start
define('TABLE_HEADING_VENDORS_SHIP', 'Shipper');
//MVS End

Do, or do not. There is no try.


Order Editor 5.0.6 "Ultra Violet" is now available!

For support or to post comments, suggestions, etc, please visit the Order Editor support thread.

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The language definition file is admin/includes/languages/english/edit_orders.php.


If you don't have them in this file already the definitions unique to MVS are

//MVS Start
define('TABLE_HEADING_VENDORS_SHIP', 'Shipper');
//MVS End


Thanks that worked like a charm. :thumbsup: I don't think the Order Editor for MVS v 1.1 package includes that code in the admin/includes/languages/english/edit_orders.php. I just dropped in the included file. I tried putting code like that in admin/includes/languages/english/categories.php but it didn't work there.






Brooklyn, New York USA

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  • 8 months later...


I have just completed upgrading my MVS files to use the Order Editor for MVS and it seems to be working. While in the Admin area I did not encounter any errors. However I have created a problem with another aspect of my store. In testing to determine what new orders would look like in the Order Editor I got the following errors after placing objects in my Cart and was about to proceed to the Checkout. (Clicked on the Check-out button and got the following error message)


Warning: Missing argument 1 for order() in ......................\oscommerce\includes\classes\order.php on line 15


Fatal error: Call to undefined function: tep_get_country_id() in ...............\oscommerce\includes\classes\order.php on line 76


I am not able to proceed beyond this point. Everything was working before the upgrade and I didn't make changes in the ..\oscommerce\includes\classes\order.php file.


Suggestions will be greatly appreciated.




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Regarding Post 15.

I have solved the problem. A very careless mistake on my part. I copied an updated orders.php file to the wrong location. Corrected that error and is now back on track.


I apologize to anyone that have spent time trying to recognize the problem I proposed in Post 15 earlier.


Thanks for your help


I need to congratulate the contributors of the MVS Orders Editor. I have the install completed and working just fine. Great work. Thanks



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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 months later...

Is there an update out there to get to the current 5.0.5 version that the standad non-MVS contribution is at?

I just added the MVS contribution to my shop. I still have the standard version at 2.5.1 operating now. I am going to install this MVS version (2.9.1), but thought I would ask.

I like these mods, there fun! ...65 70 72 75 80 85 125+ contributions installed and counting...


Tools I'm using: OSC2.2 milestone2, Filezilla for FTP, PHP Designer 2007PE (nice), Araxis Merge 6.5 to compare files, XP(my box), Remote Server is shared Apache 1.3 Cpanel, CURL, and PHPmyAdmin through my hosts Cpanel to mess up the database.

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Is there an update out there to get to the current 5.0.5 version that the standad non-MVS contribution is at?

I just added the MVS contribution to my shop. I still have the standard version at 2.5.1 operating now. I am going to install this MVS version (2.9.1), but thought I would ask.


Not that I'm aware of. I've been concentrating on the standard version.

Do, or do not. There is no try.


Order Editor 5.0.6 "Ultra Violet" is now available!

For support or to post comments, suggestions, etc, please visit the Order Editor support thread.

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Not that I'm aware of. I've been concentrating on the standard version.


Thanks for the reply :rolleyes:

I like these mods, there fun! ...65 70 72 75 80 85 125+ contributions installed and counting...


Tools I'm using: OSC2.2 milestone2, Filezilla for FTP, PHP Designer 2007PE (nice), Araxis Merge 6.5 to compare files, XP(my box), Remote Server is shared Apache 1.3 Cpanel, CURL, and PHPmyAdmin through my hosts Cpanel to mess up the database.

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I installed this contrib and it seems to be OK, except that my default currency is Canadian Dollar (1.00) and I have a customer that has asked me to make a purchase for him at previously quoted price. I used the Master Password contrib to make the order for him as a RFQ (request for quote) in US$.(Shipping etc will be added latter)

Because the currency had changed since the time of the original phone quote I gave him, I used the MVS Order Editor to adjust the product price to the previously quoted price and hit update.


The data in the Order editor all looks good, however when I switch to the Details view, the price has changed in relation to the present currency. It seems to assume that the order was in Canadian Dollars (1.0) and it now shows an adjusted US$ price adjusted at the present curreny value of (0.951900). If I go back into the Order Editor, the data still looks right.

I then change the products base price in the Editor to the price as it would be in Canadian dollars then hit update. Now the Details View is almost right. The price is now off a bit because the currencies were adjusted (updated) prior to the entry of this order but after I gave the price quote to the customer.

I am now left with needing to change the currency rate in the Order Editor for USD from the current (0.951900) to the previous exchange rate of (0.954108) to make the price match up exactly to the quoted price, however this is not allowed in the editor.


Any idea of how to "fix" this?

It is a large order and the price differences are large at this size.



I like these mods, there fun! ...65 70 72 75 80 85 125+ contributions installed and counting...


Tools I'm using: OSC2.2 milestone2, Filezilla for FTP, PHP Designer 2007PE (nice), Araxis Merge 6.5 to compare files, XP(my box), Remote Server is shared Apache 1.3 Cpanel, CURL, and PHPmyAdmin through my hosts Cpanel to mess up the database.

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  • 1 year later...

Hi. I have a heavily modded version of oscommerce, and it seems to have a much older version of the Order Editor installed (1.5.9?). I was trying to upgrade to Order Editor for MVS, since I have installed MVS and the existing Order Editor doesn't work right. But when trying to follow the instructions in install.txt, for modifying admin/orders.php, the existing lines in orders.php do not look like the lines mentioned in install.txt that I am supposed to replace.


Any suggestions on how to do the upgrade?


Thanks very much!


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  • 6 months later...

I have a problem with order editor for MVS and shipping totals


If I edit the amount of the shipping rate, the order totals update, BUT the values in the orders_shipping table do not update.


Also when you delete a product and there are no more products for that vendor, the entry in the orders_shipping table does not also get deleted.


Makes it a pain to have to go and manually delete/change the entries via phpMyAdmin


I have spent a couple of hours trying to debug this but to no avail


I believe the code responsible is here in edit_orders.php

	// Update orders_shipping table
	//if there are no products associated with the vendor, we delete the vendor
	//but, as of right now, not before we give Admin the chance to send out a new vendors email
	if ($this_is_an_mvs_order) {
	if (is_array ($_POST['update_shipping'])) {
	foreach ($_POST['update_shipping'] as $orders_shipping_id => $shipping_details) {

	if (isset($delete_this_vendor_check)) unset($delete_this_vendor_check);
	$save_this_vendor = false;
	$delete_this_vendor_query = tep_db_query("
	SELECT orders_products_id
	WHERE vendors_id = '" . $shipping_details["vendors_id"] . "'
	AND orders_id = '" . (int)$oID . "'");
	while ($delete_this_vendor_result = tep_db_fetch_array($delete_this_vendor_query)) {
	       $delete_this_vendor_check = $delete_this_vendor_result['orders_products_id'];
		    if (tep_not_null($delete_this_vendor_check)) {
			//then there is something in the orders_products table
			$save_this_vendor = true;

	if ($save_this_vendor) {

				shipping_method = '" . $shipping_details["method"] . "',
				shipping_tax = '" . $shipping_details["tax"] . "',
				shipping_cost = '" . $shipping_details["cost"] . "',
				shipping_module = '" . $shipping_details["module"] . "'
				WHERE orders_id = '" . (int)$oID . "'
				AND orders_shipping_id = '" . $orders_shipping_id . "';";

//we only add tax to the sum if there are products for the vendor
if (DISPLAY_PRICE_WITH_TAX == 'true') {
$RunningTax[$default_tax_name] += $shipping_details["tax"] * $shipping_details["cost"] / ($shipping_details["tax"] + 100);
	} else {
$RunningTax[$default_tax_name] += ($shipping_details["tax"] / 100) * $shipping_details["cost"];
	}//end if DISPLAY_PRICE_WITH_TAX == true

	} else { //if we don't update, we delete!
	//this only works for the first vendor in the array?

	           WHERE orders_id = '" . (int)$oID . "'
			   AND vendors_id = '" . $shipping_details["vendors_id"] . "'
	           AND orders_shipping_id = '" . $orders_shipping_id . "';";

	}//end if ($delete_this_vendor[$orders_shipping_id])
	}//end foreach ($_POST['update_shipping'] as $orders_shipping_id => $shipping_details)
	}//end if (is_array ($_POST['update_shipping']))
	}//end if ($this_is_an_mvs_order)

/////////////////////////////end MVS


it looks like it should work, but for the life of me I can't get it to do what it is supposed to

any help is greatly appreciated

Jim Bullen - President

The Cigar Hut Group of Companies


still using these installed 2.3x add-ons: 

PWA, MVS, Easy Populate, Dynamic Sitemap, Featured Products, MVS Order Editor, MVS Shipping Estimator, Google XML Sitemap, About Us, Ad Tracker, Address Enhancer, Also Purchased, Backorders, Category Descriptions, Dynamic Meta Tags, Contact Us Email Subjects, Country state Selector, Extra Address Line, Order Number in Email Subject, OSC Affiliate, Product Extra Fields, Review Approval System, Reviews in Product Display, Sold Out, Sold Out (but Displayed), Ultimate SEO URL's, Updated Spiders, Welcome Email Password, Pending Order Email, Who's Online Enhancement, CCGV, Easy Discounts, Customer Comments, Request a Review, Sales Report, plus many many more!

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  • 4 months later...
  • 8 years later...

long dead thread?
I am looking for an order editor that will work with BS Frozen and MVS 1.4?

anyone know of an updated version to this addon or newer editor that can be easily modified to support MVS?

thanks in advance

Jim Bullen - President

The Cigar Hut Group of Companies


still using these installed 2.3x add-ons: 

PWA, MVS, Easy Populate, Dynamic Sitemap, Featured Products, MVS Order Editor, MVS Shipping Estimator, Google XML Sitemap, About Us, Ad Tracker, Address Enhancer, Also Purchased, Backorders, Category Descriptions, Dynamic Meta Tags, Contact Us Email Subjects, Country state Selector, Extra Address Line, Order Number in Email Subject, OSC Affiliate, Product Extra Fields, Review Approval System, Reviews in Product Display, Sold Out, Sold Out (but Displayed), Ultimate SEO URL's, Updated Spiders, Welcome Email Password, Pending Order Email, Who's Online Enhancement, CCGV, Easy Discounts, Customer Comments, Request a Review, Sales Report, plus many many more!

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