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The e-commerce.

Newbie needs help!


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I'm currently working on a website for my future home business. The website will be used to sell computer parts/hardware & software online. My site is not finished yet, therefore it's obviousy not up and running at this stage.

My question is:

I downloaded the sites linked to this page: http://osc.template-help.com/9005/index.php

because I will be using the site as a template for my own site. (if that makes sense)

After i've created every page for every single product that will be listed on my site, i would like to know, how will i be able to set up the shopping cart to work.

Example: When the customer clicks: Add to Cart or Buy now, what site will be opened next, how will the correct product with the correct information be added to the cart etc.


Sorry about this, but i'm fairly new to this sort of stuff...


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you can manage your products and add them through OScom anyway so keep it simple and use the same product database and then link to the item on the product page (grab the id when u retrieve product list from db)


maybe your after just a basic cart rather than a full system though?


OSCom does pretty much the whole site :)

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Well, I'm new as well, and I've never used this product before. I have a ton of pictures/products on my computer but not in a database. How do I get them there? Or is there a thread for people like me who have no idea what they're doing but bought a hosting package that listed this as "easy"?

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Or is there a thread for people like me who have no idea what they're doing but bought a hosting package that listed this as "easy"?

LOL, I know what you mean! :lol: Start with this thread, and then just read, read, read. It does get easier, believe it or not.



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