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Viewing account pages while editing on local server

Doc Holliday

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I'm using DW to edit my cart (locally) and can edit the design graphically rather than the through the code on most pages in the root, except for those contained within the account zone (pages like account_edit.php/account_notification.php etc.,). The image I am presented everytime is an error page and a picture of the login page. I'm slowly getting the hang of what's what on these pages code wise, but would like the choice if it's possible!



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osCommerce is a dynamic php website and requires a web server to run - Dreamweaver won't cut it.


Download and install an all-in-one Apache server on your own computer, like XAMPP (http://www.apachefriends.org/en).




Thanks Vger,


I am already using wamp as my local server. Maybe I should have explained myself better. I have no problem with the 'live data' view whilst in 'design' mode in DW. But, when I edit (most of) the pages for checkout and account information/editing/notification etc.,, the 'live view' just gives an window of the log in page with 'live data error'.


I just wondered if I needed some sort of permissions thing or similar to view them as 'live data' (The site runs perfectly from beginning to end through any browser locally and all pages are completely accesible to view and interact with).

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Okay, I understand now, this is a Dreamweaver problem. Its limited ability to ape a real server is the problem. The answer is simple - stop using Dreamweaver. It's of no use when working with osCommerce anyway, and the changes you'll need to make are best made using a good plain text editor like Text Pad or Crimson Editor and then viewing in your local install.


Don't use Dreamweaver to upload your files either. I've seen hundreds or even thousands of posts from people who've used Dreamweavers' FTP client to upload files which have then become corrupted. Use a good FTP programme like WS FTP Home or FileZilla.



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