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The e-commerce.

CAtegory format & no account login step


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Hi, I am setting up my cart with Osdcommerce but have 2 main issues ..


1. As i am not using templates, how can i find the url tag to use to link directly to a category - ie: i want to create icons on my front page that link straight into the category listing where the product runs down the page.


2. I wish to remove the account login step - i just wanbt customers to fill out their name & address etc each time they order. My customers dont seem to like having to set passwords etc.


can anyone help with a quick fix on these 2 issues??



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1:Why don't you just copy&paste the category url?

because you may have a session so it won't work.


What you do in the text for the main page let's say you setup a link using the tep_href_link function and you append the categories path to it.


So you have

'<a href=' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_DEFAULT, 'cPath=41') . '">'

where 41 is the actual categories id You need to set it to your categories accordingly. And the tep_href_link function will maintain the session.

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