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calling external script upon successful payment processing


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Hi All,


I seriously need some help figuring this out. please help.




Once a customer buys a particular product and pays for it successfully (via authnet or paypal), I need to perform additional processing and issue special instructions to them. I need some help


My questions

1- where in the code should I insert such trigger? It is important to trigger ONLY upon successful payment authorization.

2- I don't know much PHP. is it possible to make system calls or execute other scripts using PHP? My need is to execute a perl script (lang I can prog in) directly on the same server, or make a web call to the same server.


3- the trigger would take place for only a subset of items.


4- I'd need to pass the order ID to the external script. How can I acheive that?


The trigger will be silent and should/would not affect process flow of osc. Basically, make the call and don't wait for a response.


your help is greatly appreciated.

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