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Incorrect redirect with netbanx


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I am using the netbanx module with oscommerce and ham having a few issues that need resolving,

after payments are accepted the user gets no notification of this even though they are accepted, the payment returns the user to a blank page, rather than a confirmation page.


The field that I am passing to netbanx to indicate where to redirect customers to after payment is as follows:


For valid payments:




For invalid payments:




where <value> indicates the value of osCsid that is being passed by the



The osCsid should not be present within these callback urls and are not part of the filenames.


Netbanx have informed me that they have not seen this before;

The callback fields should only contain the URL, up to the

.php part - everything after .php should not be there. I believe the

presence of this extra field is causing the blank page, because it is a

session variable that should be picked up from the browser, rather than

being part of the form.


But how to resolve this issue is beyond me, and I was wondering if anyone had any ideas

Edited by UnseenMenace
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