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new page error with header tags


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i made a new page and did the following things




added this to catalog/includes/filenames


define('FILENAME_ABOUTUS', 'aboutus.php');


and made a file in






now i added header tags in the title



// BOF: Header Tag Controller v2.5.7

if ( file_exists(DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'header_tags.php') ) {

require(DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'header_tags.php');

} else {


<title><?php echo TITLE; ?></title>



// EOF: Header Tag Controller v2.5.7




but in the title of the new page , it shows something like HEADEr_TITLE_DESC etc. etc. all other files work fine with header tags but dont have any idea about this one.


thanks for any help in advance

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hey it was just for illustration, i created a file named aboutus, defined it in filenames as aboutus and created afile in languages/english as aboutus. but i dont understand why is it doing so not only for that particaular page but also for products_reviews_write. i don't understand why it's wokring like that as other pages seem ok, but some pages show this:




and other titles according to their page, what should i do now.



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you have to define the text for each page in your header tags section in admin or you can manually edit the header tags.php files


Edit: Plus, you have to log in to view the page you linked to by the way.

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but you didn't understand, i have the default title for each page and all except this are working fine with this same code, i have not defined any title manually. and was logged in to view that page , you may login their using the sample login:


[email protected]


password: gourav


this is just a sample so do anything, hope it is clear

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hey man, i have all the pages set with this code without having defined title for each page in the admin header section, all other pages work fine, i dont know what's wrong with this one, do i need to paste the code here.

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  • 1 year later...

For the reviews page problem, be sure to look at the support thread. There was a problem in the code for the reviews. I think I fixed that and uploaded it but I may not have. It would be mentioned in the support thread though.


For the HEAD_TITLE_TAG_ABOUT_US problem, most likely it is how the undderscore is handled. Look in includes/header_tags.php and english/header_tags.php and find the code that deals with HEAD_TITLE_TAG_ABOUT_US. Be sure they are all the same and not HEAD_TITLE_TAG_ABOUTUS or HEAD_TITLE_TAG ABOUT_US, or something else.



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