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The e-commerce.

Image Question


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Hi just a quick one regarding images...


I have put all of my product images in to the folders -


/public_html/shop/images/ (manufacturers name)


Now the problem is I'm not sure how to refer the to them now they are there. I can upload them straight off my computer ok, but they just end up in the images folder whereas I want them organised into folders within the images folder.


Am I making sense? Can you all tell I am a total noob at this sort of stuff LOL!


Thanks again,


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Hi just a quick one regarding images...


I have put all of my product images in to the folders -


/public_html/shop/images/ (manufacturers name)


Now the problem is I'm not sure how to refer the to them now they are there. I can upload them straight off my computer ok, but they just end up in the images folder whereas I want them organised into folders within the images folder.


Am I making sense? Can you all tell I am a total noob at this sort of stuff LOL!


Thanks again,



Sorry, I don't understand your problem. It can't sense me? How can people help you?


I suggest you give an example.




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Malaysia Web Services - OPerion Website Marketing System

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Ok, sorry let me try again.


If I upload the product pictures from my computer they are all dumped into the same directory - /public_html/shop/images/


When I downloaded the os commerce program there were example products already on the site and they were in that same directory but categorised by brand (eg all microsoft products were in /public_html/shop/images/microsoft).


I want my images divided into subfolders within the image folder based on their brand names as was done in the program before I changed anything. I need to know how to refer to those categorised files to get them into the shop. Do I just upload them from my computer & re-organise them once they are uploaded or will this afect then on the site? Or do I put them into the folders I want & upload them from there? If this is the case, how do I refer to those folders?

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there are contributions that create folders based on products categories.



I under stand there contributions that can manage this, but as I mentioned the default install has images in sub folders that display correctly, there must be someway to tell the catalog the image is located at /public_html/store/images/XXX/image.gif


Do I really have to go into the catalog and upload each image individually using an addon?

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You're right, the default install has images in subfolders that display correctly.


All of the subfolders are in the images/ directory.


When you look at one of those default products...


SWAT 3: Close Quarters Battle for example


On the product edit page the image location is sierra/swat_3.gif ...so it's in images/sierra/


You could achieve the same by uploading the "sierra" related product images to images/sierra then pasting the location in the image box, instead of letting osc upload the image for you, I guess


In your case, paste in the image box manufacturers_name/name _of_picture1.jpg


I'm not familiar with that contribution, but I would guess it just makes that part easier.


Maybe I totally misunderstood...sorry if I did.


I under stand there contributions that can manage this, but as I mentioned the default install has images in sub folders that display correctly, there must be someway to tell the catalog the image is located at /public_html/store/images/XXX/image.gif


Do I really have to go into the catalog and upload each image individually using an addon?

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You'd think it was that easy, but no.


I have created a new manufacturer called "test" and added a product called "dummy".


I have created a folder in the images folder called test and put an image in there called "imexplorer.gif"


When adding the product I have tried defining the image as:







all with no luck. Every time I define the image the system still tried to find (and shows that it's pointing to) /images/imexplorer.gif


I really am going mad trying to work this one out. Is there no way short of accessing the sql database directly to tell the system that an image is located in a subfolder??

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I should also add that to get access to the sql database I have to have my provider add my IP to the allowed list... problem is I don't have a static IP so it would have to be updated contantly, something that the admins don't want to do, which I find very fair.

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